Oh the pun for this chapter. Got me! =.= Well, as promised, I translated 2 chapters for today :3 Enjoy~

I formed a plan.

In the morning, while having my breakfast in my sweet and warm home, I talked too Emily.

[I"ll be leaving home for 2, no, maybe for around 3 days.]

[Where are you going?]

Emily tilted her head.

My eyes are feasting on the appearance of a 130cm girl wearing an ap.r.o.n, while giving me a sense of security similar to my previous family.

It really makes me want to push her luscious hair that is covering half her face while combing it gently behind, yes, it"s because I want to do it so I can"t help it. (TLN: A certain translator-san may or may not"ve drastically edited it.)

Oh right, I have something important in hand.

[I am in need of some money, probably around 1.5Million Piro.]

[That much!?]

[Yeap. But, if I were to put in the effort of going through the dungeons that I know off and secure the products and trade it off respectively, in just three days, this is how much I can earn.]

Though in that three days of earning that amount of money, I will not get a wink of sleep. Of course I omit from speaking it too her.

Even though I did mention that I want to explore this world in a "my pace" way, but right now I really need this money for my goal.

[So that"s the reason why you need to leave for 3 days.]

[That"s right. Although I will not be at home, but I will be strictly inside Teruru"s dungeon.]

[I understand desu.]

Emily easily agreed.

Though I feel somewhat troubled saying all these too her, but I"m grateful—-was what I thought.

[I will go with you too desu~]


[For 3 days, I will be helping Yoda-san out desu~]

Emily smiled sweetly, as if it"s already been decided.

Teruru Dungeon, First floor.

A Slime appeared.

Leading it on top of the Magic Cart, I used the normal bullet to shoot at it and defeat it, then the dropped bean sprouts smoothly went inside the cart.

Repeating this process, I gathered around 40k Piro worth of bean sprouts.

[Then I"ll carry it nodesu.]

[Are you really sure?]

[Yes desu. I want to help Yoda-san nodesu.]

After saying, she lifted up all the bean sprouts from within the Magic Cart, and shove it inside her rucksack bag.

[What are you doing?]

[There we go. Then I"ll bring this to exchange for money, Yoda-san can continue using the Magic Cart nodesu.]

[Wait, isn"t it heavy——]

[It"s okay nanodesu~]

While smiling brightly, she lifted the rucksack and carried it away.

The rucksack that is stuffed with an abundance of bean sprouts, is being lifted up by the loli body Emily where you can hardly see her body anymore.

If you look at it from a different angle, it looks as though the rucksack is floating, while moving on it"s own.

Even so, Emily"s footsteps were vigilant.

The 130cm girl with a Strength of A that could lift up a 100 plus kilo hammer and spin it around like it"s a toy, as expected of her.

…..She came all the way here just to help me, I too have to work hard.

I, who was left alone in the first floor, continued to push the Magic Cart around the vicinity.

Shooting the Slimes and defeating it, bean sprouts dropped.

Again defeating the Slimes by shooting at it, bean sprouts are dropped.

When it looks like I"ve collected enough of the bean sprouts, Emily returned.

[Thank you for waiting desu.]

[I"ve filled it up again.]

[I"ll carry it again for you nodesu.]

[I"m sorry. Oh, and I"m gonna hunt for carrots next.]

[Okay desu. I"ll head to the second floor after carrying these right desu?]

[I"m counting on you.]

After taking all the bean sprouts, I now went down to the second floor, and thus begin the harvesting of carrots from the Drowsy Slimes.

While firing my gun relentlessly, after some time, I collected exactly 40k Piro worth of carrots.

Though I collected them, but.

[This is bad, looks like I"m running out of bullets.]

Another three more rounds and my normal bullets will be used up.

It"s true that even though I"m gonna run out of normal bullets, but I still have a ton left which are my Freeze Bullet, Flame Bullet, and my Healing Bullet, oh and also that special bullet.

But using them would be a waste of precious bullets.

It left me with no choice, although this is somewhat inefficient, but if it does the job then let"s just do it.

[Thanks for waiting nanodesu~]


[Wow, you"ve gathered a lot of carrots, lemme carry it then desu.]

[Thank you, to rely on you. Oh by the way, for the next batch you can take it easy, as the efficiency will slightly drop.]

[Ah, if it"s that then it"s no problem nanodesu.]


[Follow me together nodesu.]

Emily hold my hand, and dragged me out of the dungeon.

Along the way I asked what"s wrong, but Emily refused to answer.

She brought me to a secluded place——-though Eve was there.

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