Publishedat 30th of November 2019 10:07:07 PMPlease help us improve Trinity Audio
Chapter 299

Tennessine, 5th floor .

Since it’s my first time on this floor, I just sat there and waited .

Also, I brought a friend with me .

After some time, the Transfer Gate opened, and out came Mike, the unique monster .

Mike then carried a Slime as big as her——Actually it feels like she’s carrying crates .

The Slime couldn’t budge at all .

“Sorry for the wait, it took some time catching one from Teruru . ” (MIke)

“Don’t mind, and thanks for helping . ” (Ryouta)

Saying that, I took the Slime from Mike, then used a Restraint Bullet to keep the Slime at bay .

As you remember, Mike is a unique monster which can bring anything from inside the dungeon outside without any consequences .

And Mike is the only unique monster who can do that .

Because she helped bring Aurum around dungeons, she is now dubbed Mike Aurum .

“Ryoutsama, what do you want to do with that child?” (Mike)

“Watch and see . ” (Ryouta)

Leaving the caught Slime in place, I fired another Restraint Bullet just in case the previous one breaks, and move away to a safe distance with Mike .

Then, the shadow monster appeared and swayed side to side towards the Slime .

The Slime wanted to attack, but couldn’t as it’s binded .

So, the shadow monster attacked the Slime instead .

Since Slimes are weak, I had to heal the Slime everytime the shadow attacks the Slime .

Following up with the Recovery Bullet, the Slime managed to escape death every single time .


Soon after, the shadow took shape .

“Mike, I’ll leave the Slime to you . Stay at where I can see you . ” (Ryouta)

“I understand, leave it to me!” (Mike)

I went towards the doppelganger Slime, and let Mike grab the original Slime .

I also realized that there’s 12 「☆」on tattooed on the body of the Slime .

What’s up with today? Well, I wanted to find out what happens if all 12 stars were to disappear .

As a bonus, I can get the drop from the Slime, and I can also find out what would drop for this floor .

Seeing that Mike is holding the Slime tightly, I went——

“Ughh!” (Ryouta)

The Slime in front of me became distorted, and leapt towards me at a tremendous rate .

Both its speed and Strength can’t be compared to the doppelganger of Neptune, but it’s at least an A Rank Slime .

I fired a Growth Bullet at it, but it dodged as if it was nothing .

It then retreated, then jumped as high as a human’s head, and inhaled its body twice the size of a human body .

Soon after, it spit fire .

Similar to how a dragon spews fiery blaze through its mouth .

“Wow!” (Ryouta)

I reacted by firing both Freezing Bullets to block the fire .

Both chemicals reacted, and hot steam covered the entire area .

Already expecting that outcome, I kicked the ground and covered the distance between the Slime, using the steam as a smoke screen .

Since I know about its Strength and Speed, it’s time to test its Defence .

Using my fist instead of the revolver, I punched it .

The body of the Slime was hard, and it felt like a hard rubber ball .

“So the Endurance is around B?” (Ryouta)

The place where I punch it made an indentation, but it soon recovered with glittering light surrounding it .

I can’t believe the Slime can even heal itself .

Well, it’s obvious as this is the limit of a Slime .

Since I’m done with evaluating its skills, it’s time to get serious .

I rushed the Slime once again with both revolvers, firing Normal Bullets at it .

Then, I fired the Trash Bullet at eight different directions, aiming towards it .

This was a method I thought of a while ago .

The Slime that has been solidified from all direction is stuck, and gradually its body started breaking apart .

Although it takes some time, but it’s basically a better version of a Restraint Bullet .

This method is like jamming eight nails that can never be peeled off .

After some time, the Slime was defeated by the pressure of the bullet .

The drop was a lump of something white .

Mike approached slowly after the battle was over .

“What is that?” (Mike)

“It looks like… . Truffles . ” (Ryouta)

I’ve only seen these things on the internet, so it took me a few seconds to figure out what it was .

“Anyways, what’s the situation with the star?” (Ryouta)

“It went down by one . ” (Mike)

“Alright, let’s continue . ” (Ryouta)

“I understand!” (Mike)

We leisurely walked around the floor .

Defeating Slimes with Repet.i.tion .

I can slowly see the star decreasing more and more .

And finally, we are left with 1 more star to go .

“Repet.i.tion . ” (Ryouta)

After defeating the last Slime Doppelganger, the original Slime’s star turned zero .



I was prepared for what would happen, but nothing happened .

We waited for awhile, but then another Slime came, and I defeated it with Repet.i.tion .

“………Is this a bluff?” (Ryouta)

“It seems to be that way . ” (Mike)

“Hmmmm, I don’t’ believe that nothing happened . ” (Ryouta)

It’s hard to believe .

This number 12, and why would it decrease everytime you defeat one of its doppelganger, as if counting down on something .

I’m absolutely certain there’s a catch to this .

“Seems like nothing has changed . Mike release that Slime . ” (Ryouta)

“Okay . ” (Mike)

Mike released the Slime, and it attacked me with what seemed like an angry face .

Guarding the attack, the power remains the same old Teruru Slime .

“What is going on here?” (Ryouta)

“Uhm, how should we deal with the Slime——-Aah . ” (Mike)

The Slime immediately ran away the moment Mike came to me .

“Wait—-” (Mike)

Mike frantacially chased after the Slime, and I followed suit .

The Slime continued till we reached the staircase down to the 4th floor, where it finally made contact with it .

But no matter how many times it tried going down, it bounced back .

It’s as though there’s an invisible wall on the staircase .

After catching up with Mike and seeing such a sight, I decided to look at it .

“Maybe……” (Ryouta)

“Eh?” (Mike)

“When all the stars disappear, the original becomes a Princess trapped inside a dungeon …or something?” (Ryouta)

That was my guess when I saw the original Slime not being able to leave .

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