Publishedat 8th of May 2020 07:57:09 PM
Chapter 348

Calcium dungeon, 4th floor .

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Even and I went into the dungeon that is completely void of any monsters, and a devastating air filled the dungeon floors .

Continuing down the floors, we roamed around searching for the Dungeon Master .

“Hmph!” (Eve)

Eve was incredibly pumped up .

But why is she being so proud?

I know that she’s motivated with this case, but it seems that her motivation is a little different from before .

I was curious, thus I decided to ask .

“What’s wrong Eve? You’re being more motivated than usual . ” (Ryouta)

“Bunny has heard about the Dungeon Master here . ” (Eve)

“Uh-huh . ” (Ryouta)

“Absolutely never forgive . ” (Eve)

“Eh? Why?” (Ryouta)

“Because—” (Eve)

When Eve tried to answer, the sign of a Dungeon Master drifting around the dungeon became more intense .

Immediately after sensing that, it’s here .

What emerged from the corner is a cow head with a macho body and a huge double-edged axe as a weapon .

A Minotaur . That name came to mind .

Is this Calcium’s Dungeon Master?

“Heavenly punishment!” (Eve)

“What?” (Ryouta)

Eve jumped at the Minotaur after murmuring those line of speech which she would never have spoken .

The chop that she’d thrown was the slowest I’ve seen thus far .

Eve’s hand sword .

Similar to the phenomenon of a blade fan slowing down, the slower it is, the more powerful it becomes .

Eve’s chop which looks slower than ever struck the Minotaur’s axe—–More of breaking the axe and blowing the cow’s head as it is .

“Hmph!” (Eve)

Eve was snorting again after the giant fell and shook the ground .

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“Oi oi, ain’t that one chop (punch) . ” (Ryouta)

“Of course, it’s its punishment . ” (Eve)

“I wanted to ask, but why punishment?” (Ryouta)

“Even though it’s a cow, it eats the meat of human who it kills . ” (Eve)

“Sounds like you’re describing a Minotaur . ” (Ryouta)

I remembered the mythical creature, Minotaur .

It kills and eats men right away, and violates women .

Well, the descriptions of mythologies are mostly 90% correct .

“A cow who eats meat . It’s soiling the herbivorous system . ” (Eve)

“Ah, so that’s what you mean . ” (Ryouta)

“That’s why Bunny gives divine punishment!” (Eve)

Eve snorts once more, but she seems a little happier after defeating the Minotaur .

Looking at the lower half of the body of the Minotaur laying there, I asked .

“But… The head is a cow and the body is a human body . Maybe even if it’s a herbivore, but the digestive system is omnivorous? Wouldn’t it be better to eat some carrots?” (Ryouta)

While looking at the corpse of the Minotaur, I tried thinking about a hopeless fantasy .

Eve immediately argued .

“Bunny eats the most carrots . ” (Eve)

“Stop with that kind of lines . ” (Ryouta)

I suddenly thought of an a.s.sociation which might eat carrots .

“How about Centaurs? Since they’re half horse, maybe they eat carrots?” (Ryouta)

“Kyupin . ” (Eve)

A strange sound was heard, and Eve’s eyes shone mysteriously .

Aah, I think I just stepped on a landmine .

I brought this upon myself, let’s try to sway the topic .

Is there any material?

Thinking so, I looked around the corpse .

“… . . Eh? This is weird . ” (Ryouta)

“It’s weird because it’s messy . ” (Eve)

“It’s not that… . It isn’t disappearing . ” (Ryouta)

“Eh?” (Eve)

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Eve tilted her head, and I pointed at the Minotaur she’d just defeated .

Yeap, it’s not going away .

Despite defeating it .

It lost its head and fell down .

But there’s… . . no sign of it disappearing .  

Don’t tell me—–As suddenly the situation happened as I predicted .

The corpse started to rise up .

The broken axe had restored, and its neck growing back its head .

It shook its axe with tremendous momentum .

“Eve!” (Ryouta)

The target was Eve .

Eve reacted by throwing her hand sword towards the axe—

“Kya . ” (Eve)

The hand and axe collided, and the axe shook .

Eve was blown off and plunged into the wall of the dungeon .

“Eve!!” (Ryouta)

Eve slumped to the ground and fainted .

Doesn’t seem like there’s any injury, maybe a concussion .

“The Minotaur continued rushing with its axe to pursue Eve .

“As if I’ll let you!” (Ryouta)

Taking out my revolvers, I fired normal bullets to stop it from rushing .

The bullet was aimed at its axe, which slowed its movement just enough for me to move between them .

I faced the Minotaur head front—–I was surprised .

Before I knew it not only was its head regrown—–but it was metallic .

It has a metallic colour, with somewhat sharp edges .

The new head that was replaced was still the shape of a cow, but it looks completely like a machine .

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The word Mecha Minotaur came to mind .

“Did it just transform after defeating it?” (Ryouta)

I muttered, but the situation did not stop there .

The Mechataur roars as it brought its axe up to the air .

After the roar, something summoned around it .

There, slightly smaller Minotaurs appeared .

With the same cow head and human body .

7 male and 7 female .

A total of 14 Mini-taur appeared .

“It can even summon other monsters . ” (Ryouta)

I fired normal bullets as a test .

A quick hit and reload .

I fired dozens of shots into the Mechataur in an instant .

Most of it was deflected by its axe, but one managed to scratch its thick macho arm .

The upper arm is torn and blood flowed .

Even if the minis are there, it seems that I can still damage the main body .

“—-If that’s the case!” (Ryouta)

Ignore the surroundings and aim for the main!

I rushed straight towards the Mechataur .

It swings its axe .

If it can even swing Eve away, it’s not a good idea to do a close-range battle even if I have SS Strength .

I fired a Trash Bullet .

The bullet matches the trajectory of the axe .

The bullet that can push anything forward hit the axe .

The axe bounced back as if being hit by a wall, and the Mechataur lost its balance .

I immediately jumped in . Went through the side and sneak behind, then fired two of my revolver at zero distance!

Countless bullets penetrated the body of the Mechataur, and messed it up .

Immediately after, I kicked the ground and stood in front of Eve to protect her .

Looking at the situation, it seems like the Mechataur isn’t disappearing .

Instead, it approaches one of the mini-taur, grabbed it by its head .

“Oi oi, don’t tell me…” (Ryouta)

After munching on the mini-taur, the Mechataur recovered completely .

However, the place I fired also mechanized .

It roared, and the 13 others roar—-resonating .

“So it’s using them as stock . ” (Ryouta)


It swung its axe again, and I fired a Trash Bullet .

The same thing happened, but the shockwave was much larger than just now .

“DId it powered up in the meantime?” (Ryouta)


“Let’s hope that it’s not gonna——–transform another 13 times or something . ” (Ryouta)

It got mad and attacked me again .

I fired and defeated it . Again, it ate one of the minis and revived + powered up .

IN the meantime, I tried attacking the mini-taurs, but all attacks were repelled .

They seemed to be invincible .

Each time I defeat it, it powers up, and its body is slowly becoming more robotic, which corresponds with its defence power .

Let’s try picking up the pace .

“It’s useless if you just power up!” (Ryouta)

No matter how much it powers up, it can’t match with the Trash Bullet .

I continued doing the same thing .

The power continued to rise, but on the contrary, the gaped became larger .

At the end, it took the bullet a while before it could deflect the axe .

After defeating it 14 times, the Mechataur has finally been defeated .

“How about that?” (Ryouta)

It disappeared completely as it was unable to revive with its livestock .

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