A+A-Chapter 144

Nihonium Dungeon 6th floor, today as well I was hunting Poison Zombies inside the poison filled cave.

Today as well, I continued on my sniper practice with my revolver I tried last time.

This time, I tried not to defeat them with a single shot.

I aimed at the distance far enough to be snipe, and fired.

First the arm, then the knee, then the ears…..

Even if the shot connected, they won’t be defeated as I would only weaken them as I shoot them.

To be honest, this way was harder than just defeating them in 1 shot.

Though I chose to do so. As just defeating them by sniping them with one hit could be done using the Homing Bullet. If I used that bullet and aimed at a straight line aiming at the vital point of the monster, the bullet would always follow that point.

It was just this morning that I noticed the efficiency was bad when I practiced sniping with a normal bullet.

Thus, I aimed not to defeat them in a single go.

If asked if there was any meaning to this, there might be none.

To begin with, doing this didn’t make much sense.

I could defeat any monster that I’ve defeated once with Repet.i.tion.

Even so, it was better to acquire techniques to avoid trouble when something does happen at a later time.

Thus I’m doing it right now as practice.

After shooting their hands and feets, it was finally a head shot.

And repeating that again and again.

Though I was a little over the time limit, but I was able to increase my Intelligence from A to S.

I temporarily came back to the mansion via the Teleportation Room.

As I do not need the Magic Cart at Nihonium, I came back to pick up the Magic Cart for

my afternoon routine in Teruru Dungeon.

My life has been following a particular pattern as of lately, but an event outside that pattern occurred.

[Aah, good thing Ryouta is here.] (Alice)

[What’s the matter, Alice?] (Ryouta)

Alice came close to me from the corridor behind me with her light footsteps.

Alice・Wonderland. (TLN: Wait her name was that this whole time?! Maybe I’d forgotten)

(Shadowverse meme)

From a background of being born in the dungeon, she was a girl who understands the structure and location where monsters would sp.a.w.n based on her intuition when entering the dungeon.

At the same time, she also has the ability to make monsters her friend.

Three monsters were riding on her shoulder.

Jumpy-san, Boney-chan, and Bon-bon.

They were monsters that was defeated in the dungeon and became her friends, and now their figure was that of a stuffed animals.

Usually their appearance are like so, but if she orders they would be able to return to their original appearance and fight together.

If you were to convert her skill into a game occupation, she would probably be a Summoner.

Such unusual girl, was looking at me with a pattable head.

[Are you free after this?] (Alice)

[Well, I’ll go to Teruru after this as usual, if there something that I can help you, I can do that first?] (Ryouta)

[Is that so! Then come with me now!] (Alice)

Alice said as she ran forward.

I followed her from behind, and only the Teleportation room was ahead.

Was it something to do with a dungeon…..Well, most errands in this world should come from dungeons, right?

Thinking of such thoughtless stuff, we arrived in front of the Teleportation room.

[So, I should follow you to a dungeon?] (Ryouta)

[Yes, I’ll go first, then you come.] (Alice)

[Aah wait.] (Ryouta)

Teleportation Room—-I grabbed onto Alice before she jumped into the dungeon at the last second.

[What’s wrong Ryouta, do you need to get ready?] (Alice)


ready?] (Alice)

[That’s not it, you have to tell me where you want to go first though.] (Ryouta)

[Oh right. I’m heading to Bis.m.u.th’s 7th floor.] (Alice)

[So, wheat?] (Ryouta)

I tried asking Alice whether she was still onto the case on the other day.

[No, that’s not it.] (Alice)

It looked like that was a no.

[I think it’s faster to see it then to explain it.] (Alice)

[That’s true too. I got it.] (Ryouta)

I nodded, and Alice disappeared using the Teleportation Room.

With that, I also entered the room.

If I’m not mistaken…..Bis.m.u.th’s 7th floor.

The Teleportation room can bring you to any dungeons after you went there once.

After knowing about it, I asked Eve, the most veteran adventurer among all of us, to bookmark the entire dungeon of Shikuro for everyone.

Thus, although it wasn’t of my own power, I could also go to any floor of Bis.m.u.th’s dungeon.

Thus, I teleported.

To the 7th floor of Bis.m.u.th, this floor was also a Dungeon that was snowing.

The crystal of Bis.m.u.th had a layer of magical snow on top of it.

It was quite a fantastic scene.

[Ryouta, over here.] (Alice)

Alice who came first pulled my hand and ran forward.

[Wait wait, I won’t run away you know.] (Ryouta)

[But that child will run away!] (Alice)

[That child?] (Ryouta)

What is she saying?

Suddenly, the monsters that was on Alice’s shoulder caught my attention.

Jumpy-san, Boney-chan, and Bon-bon.

It was the adorable companions of Alice.

Don’t tell me…..

[There it is.] (Alice)

Alice stopped all of a sudden as if stepping on the emergency brake, and to not b.u.mped into her I stopped in a hurry.

[Look at that Ryouta.] (Alice)

[That?] (Ryouta)

Looking at where Alice was pointing, there was a monster quite a distance from here.

Because we were quite far, the shape was blurry and I could not recognize the shape that well.

[Do you mean that monster-like thing over there?] (Ryouta)

[Yes, It’s toge-toge. It’s calling me.] (Alice)

[Aah. So it’s name is Toge-toge. Huh.] (Ryouta)

As I

Huh.] (Ryouta)

As I suspect, it was about this.

And naming in that sense would mean that she wants to make that monster her friend.

The 3 monsters that she had was also like this, she would name them before even making them as friends.

Which meant, this was the same as before.

[Why Toge-toge?] (Ryouta)

[Ehmm, because that monster’s name is called Needle Lizard.] (Alice)

[Needle Lizard…..A Lizard with needles. I see.] (Ryouta) (TLN: Basically Lizard in Jp is トカゲ and thorns/needles is also トゲ, hence トゲトゲ. Much smart.)

Somehow I could imagine it, and I was convinced.

By the way, the upper floor is Chameleons. Thus, based on the tendency of dungeons so far, it seemed that Bis.m.u.th is all about reptiles.

While making such guesses, I asked Alice about something.

[So, what should I do?] (Ryouta)

[To be friends with Toge-toge, we have to first defeat it, but the way to defeat a Needle Lizard, you must first destroy the needles before hitting the main body.] (Alice)

[Because it’s the 7th floor huh.] (Ryouta)

The dungeons of Shikuro, anything after the 6th floor, the method to defeat each monsters becomes special, so there is a license to proceed further from the 6th floor.

It seemed that the concept was the for this dungeon.

[But, when you approach it, it would withdraw immediately.] (Alice)

[In other words, we must defeat the lizard outside it’s escape range.] (Ryouta)

[Yes. That’s right.] (Alice)

[…..Leave it to me.] (Ryouta)

It seems like my practice came to be useful immediately.

I drew both my revolvers. Then, loaded it with normal bullets inside.

[Are the needles hard?] (Ryouta)

[Yes, it’s pretty hard. But not as tough as the a.r.s.enic rocks.] (Alice)

[So normal bullet would be harder…..Okay.] (Ryouta)

I held my gun, and approached the monster.

As I approach, it gradually became visible.

Needle Lizard.

A small but plump body, and having it’s back growing needles.

Instead of calling it a lizard, I think it’s image closely resembled that of a dragon.

[Stop, anya dragon.

[Stop, any closer and it would notice.] (Alice)

[Got it.] (Ryouta)

Following Alice’s intuition, I stopped dead on my tracks.

Standing on my knees on the ground, I held my two revolvers and readied.

I closed one of my eyes and set my aim.


A sniper who has practiced recently.

When the Needle Lizard stopped, that was the right time to fire.

My palms were sweating.

Failure is not an option.

Not, it may be forgiven, but this monster is to be made for Alice’s friend, I won’t know what kind of adverse effect if I fail.

Therefore, failure is not an option now.

I breathed in deeply, and concentrated to my fullets.

The surrounding scenery disappeared, even the dungeon snow was brought out from my consciousness.

What I’m seeing now is the Needle Lizard—–It’s needle.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

I drew the trigger continuously.

The normal bullets strike and fused together along the way, and became a Penetrating Bullet.

The Penetrating Bullet flew while spinning—–and all the bullets. .h.i.t right in the middle of the needles of the lizard.

It did not hit the main body at all, and only the needles was broken.

[I did it.] (Ryouta)

[My turn!] (Alice)

Alice dashed towards the monster.

ON the way, Jumpy-san, Boney-chan, and Bon-bon returned to their usual appearance, and together with her friends, they defeat the Needle Lizard.

After the fierce battle, the Needle Lizard collapsed, and once it disappeared, it’s appearance changed and regenerated.

A short and plump stuffed animal, with needles on it’s back (the texture seems squishy when touch) were coming out and retracting.

Alice picked it up—–lifted Toge-toge, and patted it’s head.

Toge-toge also rubbed Alice’s cheeks.

It seems that it has safely become a new member.

While waving her hands, Alice returned.

[Ryouta ! Thanks a bunch! Look, even Toge-toge is saying thanks!] (Alice)

Alice had a full smile on her face, and the adorable looking Toge-toge also poked its head out.

With that, her friends grew again.

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