Level 1 Guy: Chapter 260 – (Tax) Allotment

Published by on 4th August 20194th August 2019

Highest Patreon Supporter: RegisRagnarok, SinAria(with the crazy 100dollars!!!) and our new supporter Alice and terror100!!!!!

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[Yodsan, there"s a guest outside nanodesu.] (Emily)

At night, whilst resting at the saloon, Emily called me.

[A guest? This late at night?] (Ryouta)

[It"s someone new, what should we do desu?] (Emily)

[For now, I"ll meet that person.] (Ryouta)

[Got it desu, I"ll bring them over here desu.] (Emily)

Emily then hurriedly went back out.

I wonder who that person is.

[Ryouta, let"s go to the pub~] 

While waiting for Emily, this time it was Aurum who called for me.

She has her partner, the Mini Sage Mike, being hugged by her.

[A pub?] (Ryouta)

[Yep! I want to go to a place full of people talking about variety of stories~] (Aurum)

[I see, if that"s the case, you can do whatever you like.] (Ryouta)

[Yeap! That"s why, let"s go. Hey, I"ll pay~] (Aurum)

After she said that, she held her hands up, and there appeared gold ingots.

A pyramid of gold ingots with a market price of 4 Million Piros were there.

She is the dungeon of gold.

[No no no no that"s too much. We don"t need that much for a pub.] (Ryouta)

[That"s the case, let"s pay for everyone else! It"s gonna be interesting!] (Aurum)

[You"re really excited huh.] (Ryouta)

[Yeap! So, let"s go!] (Aurum)

[I would go but—–] (Ryouta)

[Yodsan, sorry for the wait nanodesu.] (Emily)

Emily came to the saloon with the guest.

It was a man in his fifties who looked a little tired, which looked like an owner of a depopulated shop in a street.

[—–But a guest is coming.] (Ryouta)

[I see….. That"s sad.] (Aurum)

Aurum then erase the gold ingots on her hand.

I"m glad that she listened to me, but I felt sad looking at her.

[I"ll promise you that we"ll go tomorrow.] (Ryouta)

[Really!?] (Aurum)

[At the same time we can bring others over. And if we"re going to eat, we can all eat together as well.] (Ryouta)

[—–Aaaah! Thank you Ryouta! !] (Aurum)

Aurum hugged me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Then she lifted Mike up again and skipped away the saloon.

[….. Ehem.] I coughed and met the visitor.

[Sorry for showing you such a weird thing. I"m Satou Ryouta.] (Ryouta)

Since it"s my first time meeting him, I spoke in an honorific way.

I guess my salaryman days hasn"t left me yet.

[My name is Dale. Uhm….. Excuse me for coming here today, but wasn"t that….. Aurum-sama just now?] (Dale)

[That"s right?] (Ryouta)

I nodded, and Dale"s eyes changed colour.

[So there really is a spirit living here. And it"s a powerful spirit that could erase gold.] (Dale)

[Ah, yeah.] (Ryouta)

The tension soared too much, and I was feeling a bit of it as well.

After a brief introduction, Emily left the saloon to make a cup of tea for the guest. Then, I sat facing Dale.

[So…. Is there anything you need from me?] (Ryouta)

[I am the chairman of the Dungeon a.s.sociation of Tetramin.] (Dale)

[Ooh.] (Ryouta)

Tetramine, a poison like name.

[I would like to say it straight! Could you move your base to Tetramine?] (Dale)

[Huh? Base as in…. You want me to move?] (Ryouta)

After thinking for awhile, I answered and Dale nodded.

[Yes! I"ll prepare a house for Ryoutsama there, with well-trained maid and shops that are close to it. Of course, all of your friends can come too—-Plus.] (Dale)

[And?] (Ryouta)

Is there anything other than a house with maids.

[The dungeons that Tetramine has, a dungeon called Plumb.u.m. Of course we will issue licenses for all floors for you.] (Dale)

[Plumb.u.m….. Oh lead.] (Ryouta)

[Huh?] (Dale)

[No it"s just me. Hmm…..] (Ryouta)

Something sounds strange.

Suddenly coming here to my place, and preparing a mansion for me.

I just have this feeling that there"s something.

[…. I can"t answer this immediately, so would you let me think for a few days?] (Ryouta)

[Thank you so much! By all means consider this positively!] (Dale)

Dale then stood up.

I do not know his intention, but it"s been told to me in a desperate manner.

[Ahaha, he"s after the tax.] 

As promised last night, I brought Aurum to the bar, Villa De Edge, and Neptune was there who had a drink with us as well.

After the sake was brought out and rank, Neptune answered with joy.

[Taxes?] (Ryouta)

[You should know your influence a little more. How many people are there in your family now?] (Neptune)

[Me, Emily, Alice, Celeste, Alice, and Mike. Aah, I don"t know if Margaret of the Cliff Family would want to join as well?] (Ryouta)

[Aside from the latter half, there are 6 of you, and the taxes?] (Neptune)

[Huh?] (Ryouta)

[I mean how much do you pay your taxes per year.] (Neptune)

[Tax….. I wonder.] (Ryouta)

I don"t mind.

Cause it"s hard to grasp the taxes of adventurers in this world.

Everytime I trade something, I had to pay some.

[Around 1 Billion.]

[Eve!?] (Ryouta)

Next to our table, Eve who was tipsy with beer and carrots joined in the conversation.

[The low level family has about 1 billion taxes.] (Eve)

[That much!] (Ryouta)

[Even though you"re a low level, you have large taxpayers.] (Eve)

[Huh.] (Ryouta)

[That"s that. So if they invite your family, tax is basically transported to their city. And because Tetramine has been depopulated recently, they need more money.] (Neptune)

[Now I get it.] (Ryouta)

I feel like having solved all mysteries.

DIdn"t know it was like that.

[By the way, it"s going to be a big deal if your family moves. There would be fights between cities—- no more like a war.] (Neptune)

[Are you just exaggerating…. Or maybe it isn"t?] (Ryouta)

A billion piros is a lot.

So the first impression I had on Dale was really right.

From his point of view, a billion is seriously a life or death situation for him.


[Tetramine and Purumb.u.m. What is the cause of the depopulation though…..?] (Ryouta)

It means that people are less interested in going to the dungeon.


[Fuh.] (Neptune)

[…. What is it?] (Ryouta)

[Seems like you have your bad habit showing.] (Neptune)

[My bad habit?] (Ryouta)

[Aah, do you need a prophet? Though you"re not moving, but you"re gonna leave for Tetramine tomorrow. Is that right?] (Neptune)

[…..] (Ryouta)

I laughed, he"s right.

That"s my intention.

A depopulated city, and there"s a  new dungeon.

Since I was asked for help, let"s see if I could manage it.

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Thank you so much to all my patron supporters who have been helping me since the beginning, and to those who are helping me right now as well.

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