Level 1 Guy: Chapter 266 – Have faith in me

Published by on 25th August 201925th August 2019

Highest Patreon Supporter: RegisRagnarok, SinAria(with the crazy 100dollars!!!) and our new supporter Alice and terror100!!!!!

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After descending down the stairs and into the room, a girl was there.

One look and she looked like a young girl around the age of 14~15 years old, which is similar to Alice.

Her hair was so long that it spread around the floor; her clothes had a [traditional]——- Closely resembling clothes of the 10th century of the Heian period.

That was the impression that she gave.

[Are you perhaps, Plumb.u.m?] (Ryouta)

[A human….. Are you here to trick me again?] (Plumb.u.m)

This girl—— Is for sure the spirit Plumb.u.m based on the location, however her stare of me was that of hostility.

But, at least I know one thing.

She did not deliberately remove the monsters to spite me.

But she did it because she wants to reject humans in general.

[Trick? Did humans did something to you in the past?] (Ryouta)

[Are you feigning ignorance?] (Plumb.u.m)

She raised her hands.

And at that moment, a strong force pushed me.

I used my arms to guard against it—–However.

[Ughh!!] (Ryouta)

My entire body was struck with pain.

When I look closely, a fish type monster that exists in Plumb.u.m appeared out of nowhere and started attacking me.

[Wait a minute! I just want to talk—–] (Ryouta)

[Leave! I have no need to speak with a human!] (Plumb.u.m)

Plumb.u.m who was enraged, raised her hands up again.

It"s the second wave of her attack, and in a second, I saw what was surrounding me.

Countless monsters were surrounding me.

Hurriedly, I stomped the ground and jumped behind me, then taking out my revolvers, I loaded it with Growth and Normal Bullets and started firing.

The monsters who were hit, dropped and died.

[You"ve done it…..] (Plumb.u.m)

[Kuh!] (Ryouta)

There"s no point in doing this.

I switched to my special bullets and fired.

What I used was the Restraint Bullets, which I fired towards Plumb.u.m.

Plumb.u.m who couldn"t move further filled her rage as she stared at me angrily.

She really have a strong sense of rejection towards me.

Normally I would ask what"s the matter, but with that kind of eyes….

[What happened? I"ll listen. Maybe I can help with the troubles that you have.] (Ryouta)

[Such a ridiculous human, no matter how good of a listener you are, eventually, you will betray me like all the other humans.] (Plumb.u.m)

[…… You"ve been betrayed?] (Ryouta)

[That"s right!] (Plumb.u.m)

She shouted as her eyes were in flames.

[Then, let me at least listen to your story.] (Ryouta)

[…….. Very well. If you really want to hear it, I shall grant you your wish of listening to the crimes of what you humans did.] (Plumb.u.m)

Still staring at me with anger, she eventually started talking.

[Once, there came a man. A strong and brave man.] (Plumb.u.m)

I guess she"s describing a veteran adventurer.

[That was the first time I came into contact with a human. That man talked about what humans are, and what they do. He taught me things that I never knew about. To return the favour, I gave him powers that can only be used in Plumb.u.m, only for him.] (Plumb.u.m)

So he was given the name.

[The man said that he wanted to go back first.] (Plumb.u.m)


The story….. Suddenly took a turn?

[He said that he shall come back. He promised that he will. Believing in his words, I waited for his return——- However!] (Plumb.u.m)

The enraged Plumb.u.m raised her voice as she continued.

[That man did not return at all. He used the powers that I"ve granted to him, but never once did he——- Yes, even after he died.] (Plumb.u.m)

[……. So he recently pa.s.sed away.] (Ryouta)

[Yes. Thus, he has returned the power back to me. So human, do you understand now? Humans will easily break promises, betray if necessary.] (Plumb.u.m)

[That, you"re wrong.] (Ryouta)

[What is wrong about it!] (Plumb.u.m)

[It is not that he did not want to return, but it"s that he couldn"t. It is incredibly difficult to get here.] (Ryouta)

[That is nonsense! That man said that he [Came here normally].] (Plumb.u.m)

[He is just not aware about the luck he——] (Ryouta)

[Then he shouldn"t have said it!] (Plumb.u.m)

Plumb.u.m became even more fumed.

I wasn"t lying to her, but that made it worse.

[Even if that person were to do that, I wouldn"t do such a thing. To absolutely say——] (Ryouta)

[I would not be lied to for a second time, human!] (Plumb.u.m)

Plumb.u.m raised her hands once more.

I readied myself. But instead of a monster flying towards me, it was the Turtle that appeared in front of her.

[Repet.i.tion!] (Ryouta)

Since I"ve defeated that once, it was easy——– And it didn"t work.

Looking closer at it, the sh.e.l.l had a different colour. So a different monster.

However, the ability is similar.

The only difference is that it"s faster than the previous Turtle by about 1 second in duplicating.

I fired my revolvers to eventually break its sh.e.l.l once more.

I didn"t stop—— but then suddenly.

A stairs appeared in front of me.

The staircase returning to the top appeared from the turtle.

[Disappear at once, human!] (Plumb.u.m)

[———!] (Ryouta)

Since Repet.i.tion didn"t work, and it was incredibly tough, it takes around 5 times the speed to defeat it.

Biting my teeth, I knew what had to be done, as I ran up the stairs that Plumb.u.m made.

When I went up, I was outside the dungeon.

Phew…… Let"s think up of measures for the time being.

Thinking about it, I turned my back away from the dungeon—– But.

[…….] (Ryouta)

I stopped and pondered.

I turned around and stared at the dungeon.

That is….. I can"t.

Plumb.u.m has been betrayed by humans.

If I went away right now, she"ll think that [See, I knew it.].

If I don"t head down, I won"t meet her.

I have to get her to understand.

Hence I went back into the dungeon.

I went straight down to the last floor.

With the only 2 Goats Milk left, and one being used, I used the last milk to hatch the monster.

Once it hatched, I used Repet.i.tion and head down the stairs.

Going down, I used Repet.i.tion again to defeat the Turtle.

Once again, I"m back at Plumb.u.m"s house.

[Wh What are you trying to do?] (Plumb.u.m)

[Please listen to me.] (Ryouta)

[You"re so annoying!] (Plumb.u.m)

Plumb.u.m once again brought out the Turtle.

And the stairs appeared again.

[Leave at once!] (Plumb.u.m)

[I"ll never leave.] (Ryouta)

I firmly said, but then I went silent.

Plumb.u.m was shocked, and looked at me confused.

With the increase with the Turtles, the room is being crushed by them.

But, Absolute Rock.

Activating my Invincible Mode, I was able to endure it.


I could hear squishing sound coming from my body.

It was my body handling the weight of the turtles.

[Gah.] (Ryouta)

Blood spewed out of my body.

[W-Why would you go that far…..] (Plumb.u.m)

Plumb.u.m asked.

[I can"t leave someone like you alone.] (Ryouta)

[So-someone like me…..?] (Plumb.u.m)

[Being locked in this place, not being able to meet with people, and being hurt by people when you meet them.] (Ryouta)

Plumb.u.m looked at me straight in the eyes.

[I just can"t leave you when you"re under such circ.u.mstances.] (Ryouta)

[———!] (Plumb.u.m)

[That"s why I wanted to do something. This is nothing compared to—–] (Ryouta)

My speech was cut short.

My consciousness is fading.

In the meantime, the turtles continued to grow, and I can feel the pressure increasing by the second.


I bit my tongue to stop myself from losing consciousness.

[Please, believe in meeeee…..] (Ryouta)

[———-!] (Plumb.u.m)

After I said that, I couldn"t feel my feet.

This might be the end—– was what I thought.

[…… Really?] (Plumb.u.m)

Plumb.u.m said in a weak voice.

[Eh?] (Ryouta)

[Can I really, believe in you?] (Plumb.u.m)

[…… Yeah.] (Ryouta)

[Are you going to visit me again?] (Plumb.u.m)

[I will. There are some days which I wouldn"t be here, But I"ll ask my friends to drop by.] (Ryouta)

[Frie-nds?] (Plumb.u.m)

[Yeah, if you like, I can bring you out as well.] (Ryouta)

[That is….. Not like I want……] (Plumb.u.m)

Plumb.u.m was mumbling.

She looked like Alice, but just a little bit different.

She doesn"t have any interest in the outside world.

She just wants someone to visit her.

That is all she ever wished for.

[…… I, I got it.] (Plumb.u.m)

[Hm?] (Ryouta)

[I shall…. Put my trust in you.] (Plumb.u.m)

[….. Believe in me.] (Ryouta)

I confidently said it.

She looked like she was about to cry a storm.

But her face, she was smiling back at me with a kind, and warm smile.

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Thank you so much to all my patron supporters who have been helping me since the beginning, and to those who are helping me right now as well.

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