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Chapter 290
Chapter 290 – Ryouta’s achievements

With that, I can take it easy for Nihonium .

I’ll go there to replenish my stocks from time to time, but I can take my time doing it without worrying about getting all my stats to max .

However, it’s not like I’ve found a solution for her, so I can’t be too relaxed .

“It’s nice meeting with you . I shall wait here for your good news to come . ” (Nihonium)

“… . . Please wait for a while . ” (Ryouta)

“Yes, I will wait here until you come back . ” (Nihonium)

I leave Nihonium who misunderstood what I was saying, and went back to the ninth floor .

Instead of explaining it to her, I feel that actions speaks more than words .

Finding the gate at the ninth floor, I used it to return to my mansion, then this time I used the Transportation Room to go to Aurum’s room .

“Are? What is it Ryouta . It’s been awhile since you came here . ” (Aurum)

Aurum said as she tilted her head slightly .

As she could freely move in and out of her room, I don’t need to come visit her anymore .

“Sorry Aurum, can I borrow Mike for a moment . I’ll give her back in a jiffy . ” (Ryouta)

“I don’t mind that but——Ahh, I don’t even need to ask why . ” (Aurum)

Aurum just smiled and handed her best friend, Mike, to me .

“Alright . Do your best to be useful to Ryouta . ” (Aurum)

“I will!” (Mike)


Once again, I used the gate and this time went to Nihonium’s room .

“Eh? You have return… . . What seems to be the problem?” (Nihonium)

“I did say to wait for a while, right?” (Ryouta)

“You did . However, I did not expect such a quick return . ” (Nihonium)

“Well . ” (Ryouta)

I handed MIke over to her .

“Who is this child?” (Nihonium)

“You can hug her and leave the dungeon . ” (Ryouta)

“What did you just say?” (Nihonium)

“I want you to follow me for a moment . ” (Ryouta)

“However, for me to leave this dungeon…No, never mind . ” (Nihonium)

Nihonium said, with a hint of loneliness mixed into those words .

“There’s no reason to stay here as well . ” (Nihonium)

It’s not like anyone would come——–Was what I felt her inner thoughts were telling me .

So, she accepted that fact and decided to follow me .

Well, I don’t know what I’m going to do after this, but it’s better than leaving her here . That I know .

Hence why I felt that it’s better to bring her out with me .

“I understand, I shall follow you . ” (Nihonium)

“Alright, hold her tightly okay . ” (Ryouta)

“Yes . ” (Nihonium)

“Nice to meet you~” (Mike)

As she hugged Mike, we warped back to the mansion using the gate .

“What a terrifying person you are . ” (Nihonium)

“Why is that?” (Ryouta)

“To be able to bring a spirit out from their dungeon . No one in the history of this world could ever done that . But you just easily did it . ” (Nihonium)

“It’s not that great of a feat . ” (Ryouta)

After saying that, Nihonium let go of Mike .

“Thanks for your help Mike . ” (Ryouta)

“Is it okay for me to return to Aurum-sama now?” (Mike)

“Yeah, give her a thanks once you return to her side . ” (Ryouta)

“Yes!” (Mike)

She said as she used the Transportation Room by herself to return to Aurum’s room .

After sending her off, I brought Nihonium out of the room .

“Well then, I have to prepare a suitable room for you——-” (Ryouta)

“Welcome back Yodsan . ” (Emily)

While walking down the corridor, I could hear Emily’s voice .

WIth her slipper making a pitter-patter sound, she walked towards us .

“Great timing Emily, I want you———” (Ryouta)

“……… . ”

I wanted to introduce to her, then asked her to help me with setting up a room .

However, Emily just stood there silently, and stared at Nihonium .

With a serious stare, she looked as though she did not catch a single word from my mouth .

Right after I was done, she suddenly went towards Nihonium and hugged her .

“Aah…… . ” Nihonium who was being hugged was confused .

A familiar scene rose .

She has done something similar to me before .

It was a warm hug, and warm and blissful hug from Emily .

As expected of Emily, even Nihonium is feeling it .

She slowly moved her arms behind Emily’s back .

Looking from the sidelines, one looks like someone working in a j.a.panese inn, and the other, a child .

However, the position is switched if you add in the context, as Emily is gently comforting Nihonium .

After some time, Emily suddenly lift her face up .

“Yodsan!” (Emily)

“h, what’s up?” (Ryouta)

“I want her to live with us desu . ” (Emily)

“Well of course, that was my plan from the get go . ” (Ryouta)

“Yes desu!” (Emily)

With the excited Emily, she held Nihonium’s hands and dragged her .

Nihonium still looked slightly troubled, but she did not mind it at all .

“Ryoutsan, who’s that?” (Ena)

“Ryoutsan, who is that person just now?” (Elza)

The two faces popped out from the branch office of ’s room, and curiously asked .

Emily had her head tilted, whilst Ena was grinning while raising her finger at me, a cla.s.sical gesture I would say .

“Don’t be mistaken, that woman over there is Nihonium . ” (Ryouta)

“Nihonium… . . Don’t tell me . ” (Elza)

“Another spirit?” (Ena)

“Yeah, I’m letting her stay here for the time being . So please treat her well okay . ” (Ryouta)

‘Y-Yeah . ” (Elza)

“Yesss~…… . . ” (Ena)

Both Elza and Ena had a “wow” look on their faces .

I might’ve already noticed it at that time .

No, I should’ve known not to say anything .

Thinking about it, I should not have told Elza and Ena about Nihonium .

The next day came .

Immediately, words were pa.s.sed around throughout the shops of .

In the near future, I speculate that various merchants will rush to put their stores near Nihonium .

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