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The two cities adventurers that are crowding in Selen, are currently occupying the free to use Know-It-All board.

Thus, Emily and I walked around the entrance, and found a Know-It-All board that is slightly further away from the dungeon where not many are present, thus we went and approach it.

While operating the board as usual, I checked on the status.

Level: 1



Strength: S

Stamina: F

Intelligence: F

Mentality: F

Speed: A

Dexterity: F

Luck: F

[Yoda-san became really strong, plus your Speed is almost approaching to S.]

[Ah, remembering back when I first met Emily and my entire status was F, that was nostalgic.]

[And you"re gonna eventually turn all these to S right?]

[That"s what I"m planning to do.]

I immediately replied to Emily.

I"ve heard that Nihonium in it"s entirety, has 9 floors in total, and the first page of the status seem to have 9 stats in total.

What"s more, I"m the only one who can make the status up seeds to drop and use them.

I"ve got a feeling that it wasn"t a coincidence that the dungeon has 9 floors in total, that was what I genuinely felt.

[Well then, this is all well and good. The problem comes right after.

[Yes desu.]

Operating the Know-It-All board, I turned to the next page.

Vegetation S

Animals S

Minerals S (+1)

Magic S

Special Items S

[Eh? It"s still at S nanodesu.]

[I was sure that it would change into SS.]

Looking at my equipment, the Pink Sapphire that I recently obtained, I grabbed hold of it and turned it around my wrist.

An effect that gives a +1 to Mineral, that was exactly what the Know-It-All board was showing.

Though, my status is still at S.

[Yoda-san, is it because S is the highest possible rank that it can"t go any higher?]

[I guess so. Just in case, let"s have Emily try it on.]

[Okay desu.]

I took off the bracelet and handed it over to Emily to wear it, and let her operate the board.

After checking the second page, her Mineral drop really did increase from F to E.

Vegetation S

Animals S

Minerals S (-1)

Magic S

Special Items S

[Huh? It didn"t decrease at all.]

[It"s not dropping desu~]

I was honestly surprised.

While equipping the bracelet which gives a -1 in Mineral drops, I honestly thought that my drop would decrease to A.

[I wonder why.]

[I"m sure.]

The corner of Emily"s eyes crinkled as she smiled.

[That"s because it"s Yoda-san desu.]

Was what she replied.

For some reason, I could take that answer.

Drop S, though some people in this world heard of this terminology, but it is still a mysterious status to a lot of them.

A status that only I have.

Somehow or rather, the equipment doesn"t affect my status.

Since Emily had some grocery shopping to do, we went our separate ways, and I head back to the tent.

Getting close to the tent that is close to the mountain of garbage, I saw Celeste making a difficult expression on her face.

[What"s wrong?]


[Seems like you"re making a painful expression, what happened?]

[Well, I"ve heard from rumours that double the adventurers are flooding into Selen dungeon starting from tomorrow.]

[Double the adventurers?]

[Even though it"s just baseless rumours, but if that is true then the garbage will double up too, and I will have more workload to carry…..I countlessly issued for a request….but because this was still rumours, I wonder if anyone would come and help out at all…..]

Celeste had a worrying expression from start to end.

If we were to compare the amount of garbage equalling the amount of people, then if double the people were to come into Selen, Celeste would be troubled.

[I"ll help out.]


[For the disposition of trash, I can help you.]

[Bu, but. Satou-san has the dungeon to worry about….]

[I can"t leave you be.]


Seeing Celeste who was shocked, immediately had her face turned bright red.

The first time I met her, she overworked herself till she fainted.

The garbage that endlessly increases, although it exceeded her own processing capacity, she kept on working hard to dispose of the garbage all by herself.

And she reminded me of my past self.

Previously working for Black company, they never hired any new workers which resulted in me overworking myself, maybe that"s why she sort of resembled me.

So I thought that I"m strong enough to help her out.

With that feelings rising, I looked straight into her eyes.

[Thank you….very much.]

Celeste face was bright red, and with an embarra.s.sing look in her face she thanked me.

[The rumours were true after all.]

Inside the tent, the one in charge of Shikuro a.s.sociation, Duke replied.

In order to confirm whether this rumour was true, I went to him to seek for an answer.

[Is that right. It"s as expected after all?]

[No, It"s actually Hetero"s side that"s coming. It"s all because of them.]

[……I guess they are using a tactic where they are willing to over flood the dungeon with their people?]

[It"s the opposite.]


Duke then made a difficult expression.

[The odd numbers, basically the floors that drop vegetation. They intend to flood those floors.]

[——So that"s how it is! They want to send a bunch of Drop rate F to those floors!]

Duke firmly nodded.

[It seems like the opposite party aren"t afraid of going beyond to interfere with us. They will arrive here sometime tomorrow. The number….I heard that they brought along so many that they might just over flood the floors.]

[Are they trying to occupy the floors for themselves.]

[What"s more this action is lawfully legal. They can just write off on the surface saying [Due to the monsters increasing, more adventurers came to defeat them.]. As easy as that.]

I can understand the grave situation till I too made a bitter face.

Back then, there was a strike going on in the fifth dungeon of Silicon because of some people wanting to occupy that floor all by themselves, but this time it"s different.

With the larger scale of adventurers they sent, they won"t have a problem of completely clearing out the monsters on those floors.

Phew, I have an idea.

[……Let"s settle it by today. Third, fifth, seventh, and the ninth floor. If all these floors were to have a rare drop, then at the bare minimum at least we would have a chance?]

[If that can be done we would"ve already won. Rare drops are hard to come by, plus during this period all drop probabilities are cut by 1%.]

[If I were to do it then wouldn"t it increase to 100%?]

[That"s impossible.]

[Let"s make the information fee of informing about the rare monsters around——no let"s just go all out. Whoever can report first will get 10 million Piros.]

[That"s too much! If we were to do that——]

[After I defeat the rare monster and get the drop, the reward will be used to pay them.]

Duke was startled.

I stared straight back at him.

My drop will still be S after confirming with the two bracelets.

Ever unchanging status that is bestow upon me.

Even if it"s rare the drop will be 100%, that is if I encounter one.

I was convinced about it.

Listen at your own risk

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