The following morning, I have made my way to Nihonium in continuation of venturing into the fourth floor today.

Before that I went to the side of the entrance to confirm my status at the Know-It-All Board.

Level:        1/1

HP:        S

MP:        F

Strength:    S

Stamina:    F

Intelligence:    F

Mentality:    F

Speed:    S

Dexterity:    F

Luck:        F

Since yesterday, I had already increased my Speed to S at the third floor, so this time it"s obvious that I"m going to continue diving into the next floor.

This Nihonium Dungeon is a so called limestone cave, so it"s suitable to call it a [cave].

The reason why I mentioned about that is cause the fourth floor was similar to the rest of the floors, so I wonder will it change after I reached the sixth floor which requires a license, as I was thinking about it I continue moving forward.

[Oh, there it is….Is it another mummy?]

I was puzzled for a moment.

Because the monster that I encountered is human-shaped demon with muscular features with bandages wrapped round and round around it"s body.

The appearance is almost similar to the mummies from the third floor, thus I was wondering whether I"m in the right floor or not.

[I"m not sure whether it"s different—-but let"s just defeat it to find out!]

For the caves on this world, all monsters residing in the cave drops basically everything.

More or less I have already made this a norm ingrained in me, so the natural thing is to defeat the monster in front of me.

I first step forward and using my calf I pushed myself forward and dashed right at the back of the monster and immediately strike my fist into the Mummies side.

It"s body bend into a "

The bullet exploded the Mummy"s head and the bandages slowly twirled down on the ground, as if it"s contents had melted.

I have waited for awhile, but no drop was present.

Even though the monster is gone, the bandages are still there on the ground but the seed that was suppose to drop isn"t there.

[…..It"s clearly different from the third floor.] as I mumbled to myself.

This has never happened before because back when I defeat a mummy on the third floor, not a single bandage would remained and everything will disappear.

For rea.s.surance I left the bandages there and went to search for another Mummy at a different location.

This time around I will defeat the Mummy using the fusioned Flame bullets as they are weak against fire.

As I did so, as I suspect only the bandages remained.

[U–n, what"s going on here.]

Having no drop from them is troubling indeed.

My drop ability is all S. It is an S that exceeds this world"s best A.

With my drop being S, everything up until now all the monsters that [will never drop anything], I can get a drop what"s more the item is not from this world.

If I defeat it I will get a drop, because I thought my drop is S.

That"s why I was troubled by not getting the drop right in front of eyes.

[Is there an exception even if I have a S drop? U-n.] While I was groaning, an accident occurred.

The monster that contents melting leaving just the bandages behind, but like a videotape the scene in front of me played in reverse, this time the bandage was filling in the content and it reshaped back into a human body.

The bandages returned back into a Mummy and started to attack me again.

[Otto! So that"s how it is!]

I was convinced and relieved at the same time.

It"s not that I didn"t get any drop from the monster, but the fact that I had not dealt the final blow at it.

If that"s the case then I will just have to defeat it properly, so let"s have a rematch with the monster again!

I remembered what happened at Selen and loaded the Homing Bullets into my guns.

This Homing Bullet as the name implies, has a 100% rate of always. .h.i.tting it"s target. Moreover this excellent bullet doesn"t just end there but it aims at the weakness of the enemies without acknowledgment.

While rapidly firing–the bullet"s instead of circling around the Mummy nor is it heading straight on it"s weakness, but instead drive straight into the Mummy.

And at that moment, the Mummy ran towards me and hugged me.

It was like a bearhug, or like a Saba being folded.

The mummy broke my momentum while tightly hugging me to break my spine.


I grinded my back teeth and immediately swayed the Mummy"b bearhug back and forth.

I kicked it off using a front kick and with that momentum I somersaulted behind and immediately drove a Flame Fusion bullet at it.

The flame is burning quite nicely, and and insides melted to the ground leaving the bandages again.

Well then, this is where it starts.

Since this b.u.g.g.e.r could revive, I must completely defeat it.

Thus I turned around where my back is facing the bandages and fired my Homing Bullet where the bullet instantly turned a 180 degree sharp turn towards the bandage and pierce through it.

I need to further attack.

So I walked towards the bandage and stepped on it, swiveling it around.

Since it wasn"t fighting back I picked it up and stretched it.

At first glance it looks like a normal bandage, but it was so robust that it doesn"t seem to rip it apart.


Even though I have a Strength of S, I can"t rip it apart.

If that"s the case, it means I just have to use a special method in order to tear it.

…..I feel like something similar like this happened before.

I unloaded the Homing bullets and loaded another special bullet into the gun once again and threw the bandages into the ground and shot it.

First up is firing my favorite Flame bullets, but it didn"t burn up.

Next up I fired my Freezing bullets, but it just freezed up and nothing else happened.

[It can"t be.]

Finally I used my Healing bullets and fired at it.

The light effect of the Healing bullet enveloped the bandages, and melted it.

Even though I was stretching the bandages so hard with my S strength, but when I shot the Healing bullets, not even 5 seconds has pa.s.sed and the bandages melted away.

And over there a seed dropped.

—-Stamina up by 1.

[Yoshya!] without thinking I did a fist

In order to elucidate this matter, I immediately went to search for another Mummy.

I went back the way I came from, and saw that the Mummy that I defeated a moment ago revived back and was approaching me.

I fired my Healing bullets—but nothing happened.

This time I used the fused Healing bullets, the Sleeping bullets and fired at it—-but again nothing happened.

So this time I decided on a hand to hand combat, and did a rushing punch on the Mummy"s guts and it melted in front me. Afterwards I took my gun and fired the Healing bullet at it and the bandages melted, dropping the seed.

I sort of got it.

After defeating the Mummy"s first phase, leaving the bandages there, I"ll have to use the Healing power to deal the final blow at it.

Now that I understand it, I"ll prepare an abundant of Recovery bullet and enter a full-fledged Mummy killing spree.

Once you understand the method of defeating it, it"s practically the same as the Mummies on the third floor.

Having the same pattern as finding a job, I searched for the Mummies, and ended up with my Stamina increasing to E.

Nihonium first floor.

Since the time is almost towards afternoon, it"s time for the group hunt with Emily"s and Celeste.

Though before that I wanted to confirm something.

While holding onto my gun, I searched for a Skeleton.

The bullet that I"m having right now is the bullet that I got from the Mummy from the fourth floor, the special bullet that I"ve gotten after defeating the fourth floor"s rogue monster.

Nihonium Dungeon is literally a dungeon made [just for me].

If I normally defeat the monsters, I will get a seed to increase your ability, but if I use the Collection Box and suck up the seeds and then bring it outside of the dungeon to turn it into a rogue monster. After defeating that rogue monster, I will get a special bullet to use.

I"m currently testing out the effect of the new bullet that I gotten from the fourth floor in order to use it together with Emily and co.

Without waiting a Skeleton has appeared.

My body instinctively moved because of the countless times I"ve been in this floor. Even if anything were to happen, as long as I take my distance and just fire the special bullet.

The bullet that was fired off exploded in the middle of the trajectory, and a bright light shoned.

The light went on for about 0.1 seconds, and just like a firework the light extended and burst away.

During when the light was shining, the Skeleton couldn"t move.

It"s as if it was chained by a light rope, disabling it"s ability to move.

…..I see.

And with my ability to name stuff I hence named this bullet the [Restraint Bullet].

How do I use the effect, I won"t know until I check the effect and the area of restraint first.

Thus, I was really excited as I have a new tool to play around it, with that feeling I left the dungeon.

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