Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru Ni Wa 11

As soon as the teacher gave the signal to start the battle, I step in towards Jin and use [Impact Strike]. However, it just grazes his left arm and does not hit any of his vital points. This skill’s effect is that it will be super effective in damage if it hits a vital point but significantly lower in power and damage if it is dodged.

Although the attack just grazes his arm, Jin is surprised that my sword reached him, thinking he had dodged it . 
I do not miss this gap in timing and quickly use water magic to extend my sword’s length and cut him down.

Of course, Jin is not such an easy opponent. He quickly imbues fire onto his spear and comes at me, quickly clashing against my sword, which is imbued with water magic.
You could see the water evaporating from my sword. I quickly retreat backwards, before his spear can touch me.

He does not let this chance go and quickly attacks me, grazing my shoulder. I quickly use wind magic to retreat and get away until his attacks don’t reach me.
He then restores his position and takes a stance with his spear again.

“It was the same with the first attack, as it was just now; you are quite fast. I could neither dodge completely nor continue pursuing you during your retreat.”(Jin)


“Well, leaving aside the first strike, during the pursuit if you had used lighting magic to attack me, you could have reached me. Why did you use fire magic instead?”(Doyle)


“Please do not joke with me. If I had done such a thing, you would have stopped retreating and taken the chance during the the period of time needed to change my magic and cut me down. Please cut the farce; it does not suit you.”(Jin)

“Well, was I being that obvious?”(Doyle)

“Yes, it was as obvious as the weather is today.”(Jin)

We judged each other’s distance while talking to each other. 
It is then that Jin moves towards me. Trying to seal my movements, he switches the fire magic on his spear with lighting magic and attacks me in a straight line. Even though it is a straight line, the attack has a wide range…. but it is within my expectations.

While Jin is trying to swing his spear at me, I see a gap in the movement and quickly run around the swing. 
If I try to get closer now, I will be hit by the lighting, so I compress the air below my feet and fly up before he has a another chance to swing his spear at me.
I extend my sword towards him.
Jin takes a defensive stance while looking at me. Seeing that my sword will not reach him at this range, he plans to catch my sword with the lighting magic spear and attacks. But my sword is not so easy: if my sword will not reach, then I will just extend the edge of the sword with my water magic.

Jin, who suddenly sees the edge of the sword being extended, tries to quickly change lighting to fire and block it.
But it is too late.
The edge of the water sword is faster than his switching of magic from lighting to fire, and it finally makes a cut into Jin’s shoulder.


I land on the ground and quickly try to attack his feet while keeping my sword extended with water magic.
I knew that he would avoid my sword and that most of the water at the end of my sword would hit the ground, but it is fine.
My swing misses and hit the ground scattering all the water onto the ground.

Jin quickly approaches me with the spear, now imbued with fire, while being splashed by the water from the sword that had missed.
I avoid the swing of Jin and quickly try to approach the rod portion of the spear where it is vulnerable.
Jin obviously sees my intent and quickly stops and sweeps the spear at my feet before taking a second swing at my chest.
With the first swing, he sprays some fire at me, but I quickly block it with a water shield. Before the second swing can come, I use the same trick as before and fly up by compressing the air below my feet.
Just as before, I use water to extend my sword, but this time, I also freeze it with ice magic so it will not be evaporated by the fire spear. 
Naturally, Jin tries to take a distance this time and switches the fire back to lighting.

“Got you.”(Doyle)

Jin’s feet are frozen and he cannot move.

Jin, who quickly realizes this fact, puts the spear in a defensive position and tries to catch my sword. 
At that moment, I see his eyes open wide.
He is clearly surprised by the speed of my growth with using a sword and frustrated by his inability to move at this moment.
This did not stop me; I, with my past life experience of kendo, use a cla.s.sic kendo strike at Jin’s spear.


The ice sword and lightning spear clashing makes fierce sounds and loud noises that reverberate throughout the stadium. 
The electricity is flowing from the sword into my body and electrocuting me, but I clench my mouth and grip my sword harder. 
This is the power of the future [Hero of the Spear]. If I can’t take this, then I will never succeed in getting my life back.



Jin, who could not move, accepts this result and tries to increase the power of the lightning on his spear. 
It was at this moment that Jin’s spear screamed much louder than all of our roars.


A cracking sound starts to come from Jin’s spear and gradually increases until it could take no more. The spear broke. 
At the same time, my sword through the spear and cuts down into Jin’s body.

I recognize the cutting of flesh and meat when my sword cuts down on Jin’s shoulder again. The ice underneath Jin’s feet also crumbles and makes Jin fall over. 
I quickly take a distance from Jin in antic.i.p.ation of a counterattack.
But Jin does not get back up and stays down.

“———-Jin is down! The winner is Doyle Von Aghinis!!”(Teacher)

Crowd Roar!!!!!

A cheering sound echoes in the stadium.
I release the tension in my body and the ice on my blade while returning my sword to my sheath.
As soon as the match is called, the healing unit approaches Jin.
The seniors that are in the healing unit are confused at the wound Jin has.

“Hey, stop. Don’t put medicine on the wound yet; focus on the other wounds first. This is fine for now. We have to melt the ice before putting medicine, or it is just a waste of medicine.”(Yankee)


“But, with such a big wound, he will die from blood loss if we do not heal it quickly.”(Unit A)


“She is right.”(Unit B)


“Stupid, look at the wound. The wound is frozen; there will be no blood coming out of that wound.”(Yankee)


“Oh, it is true.”(Unit A)


“He is right.”(Unit B)


“‘Oh, it is true’ or ‘he is right’… Don’t give me that. Quickly treat the other wounds on the shoulder and arms.” (Yankee)


“Yes!”(Unit A&B)
“Hey, someone bring the magical medicine! Hey, tell the ice melting guy to come here!”(Yankee)


“Oh, that is alright. I will melt it.”(Doyle)



The yankee type senior with blond hair looks back and gives me a sharp look, but after he sees that it is me saying that, he calms down and talks again.

“Oh, thank you! Will you be able to do it little by little from the edge?”(Yankee)


“Yes, I can.”(Doyle)


“Well, now that is good control of magic…. Hey, there is no need to call the ice melting guy anymore. The guy who did it is melting the ice. Can you start from this side and go little by little? I will apply the medicine as you progress.”(Yankee)


“I understand. It will be fine.”(Doyle)

I melt the ice as instructed by the yankee senior and continue cautiously. I watch the senior applying the medicine from the edge of the melting ice and see the wound closing as he applies the medicine. 
I am thankful to this senior. I knew I had to beat Jin, my co-star, to progress the story scenario of my life, but I did not want to kill him. I understood that in this match, a teacher and the healing unit would be here just in case, to prevent emergences. Thus, I hoped they could help Jin. I do not have a hobby of killing people. I never will have this hobby. I do not plan to kill someone who is not even an enemy.

While I am thinking these things, I continue to melt the ice as instructed by the senior. I use my peripherals to look at Gray, Jin’s father, and my grandfather; they all had really tough faces.
I understand Jin’s father. He just saw his son being cut down, but I do not understand why my grandfather is like that.
Gray tries to come down to the stadium, but the rules stated that until the treatment was over, the only ones in the stadium would be the fighters, teachers, and the healing unit. Gray is forced to return to his seat.

“…….. The wounds are not that deep and can be easily healed….. Did you go easy on him?”(Yankee)

“…. What?”(Doyle)

With a sudden question from the senior I am brought back from my thoughts. The senior is watching me while applying the medicine onto Jin.

“You strengthened the sword with ice magic, and if you actually put more power into it, then the wound would have reached his internal organs and killed him. But the shoulder is just slightly cut, and the bone is not even broken from it. There is no threat to his life from this wound.”(Yankee)


“Well, yes, I did not want to kill him.”(Doyle)

“….. Wow, if you had the luxury to hold back during that battle, then man, you are scary.”(Yankee)

“I will take that as a compliment.”(Doyle)

I try not to show it on my face, but I am incredibly amazed by this senior. He is a person I do not recognize; thus, I can conclude that he must be a commoner. But his skills in the field of medicine and his judgement ability in these times are all superb. I heard that many of them were going to continuously apply the medicine to heal Jin, but this senior quickly made an amazing observation and was able to think of an effective treatment method.

This world is actually quite lacking in people who can use healing magic. That is why my mother is considered to  be so special. The doctors and healing units are divided into people who can apply the medicine to heal the wound and cure the illness and people who use ice magic and fire magic to stop the bleeding until they can find a proper treatment method. The cost of these medicines is not small either; thus, many people are charged with high prices for treatment. This senior who can treat a person using the minimal amount of medicine is a very rare and crucial personnel I want to have for my future.



“I think you already know who I am, but please let me introduce myself again. I am Doyle Von Aghinis. Would it be possible to know your name?”(Doyle)

“…. What, you want to give me your thanks?”(Yankee)

After I melt all the ice and the senior had finishes applying the medicine, we wait for the medicine to take full effect. When I asked him for his name, I thought, considering all the rumors, he would immediately shoot me down, but I got an unexpected response.

“…No, it is not for a thank you. This is called flirting, senior.”(Doyle)


I stretch my hand towards him and reply.
I said this was flirting. This is just complete and utter flirting to headhunt him later on in the future.

“Fufufu, fahahahahahahahahahaha! The most infamous n.o.ble just said a really interesting thing!”(Yankee)


“I am definitely infamous, but right now, I am clean and trying to stand upright. I am in rehabilitation.”(Doyle)


“Rehabilitation! Fufu fahaahahaahahahaaha!”(Yankee)   

The senior began to burst out in laughter and was really loud too. I do not know if it is a conscious or unconscious decision, but he started to laugh immediately away from Jin’s body, trying not to put burden on Jin.


“Hahahahahahahaha, hohoho, h.e.l.lo! Come on dude!”(Yankee)

While saying “man, now that was a good joke,” the senior starts to wipe tears from his eyes and smiles at me. This smile is like a beast who has found a prey that is interesting and wants to give chase. Those eyes are nothing like those he had before; they were completely the eyes of a beast.

“Leopardo, Leopardo Despector. I major in medicine and am in my second year. I hope to become a doctor in the future.”(Leopardo)

It seems the wounds on Jin have healed, and the senior stands up. He approaches me and completely starts to give an overbearing feeling. His mirthful green eyes are examining me, as if they are determining if I am worth his time. Then, he gives that same smile again.  
Senior, if you give me that kind of expression, you will make me expect certain things.

“… Well, is it fine to go and flirt with you sometime?”(Doyle)

“Fahaha! Ya, come over, make sure you bring me something as well?”(Leopardo)

“Of course, I will bring one of the best presents ever.”(Doyle)

“Also make sure to prepare some pa.s.sionate words as well?”(Leopardo)

“I will sweep your feet away with my words.”(Doyle)

“Well, I am looking forward to it!”(Leopardo)

I give a smile that is close to the smile senior is giving me: it says that there will be many interesting things to come if you join me.
I guess this type of thing must please him.
But this also means that he will only join if the things I offer are worth it to him. 
Leopardo knows about my bad reputation, but gave me this chance. That means he also knows I have something he needs. 
I feel confident in my method to make him join me, but I also feel uneasy about how he is defining me.

“… Oh, big bro, we finished healing the person.”(Unit B)

“Oh… it looks alright. You can use the medicine to wake him up.”(Leopardo)
“Yes.”(Unit B)

Leopardo, while laughing, starts to look over Jin’s body to make sure the treatment was good and tells the people to wake Jin up. 
It took less than 15 minutes to heal Jin.
It is better than your average healer on the street.
Also, why was that guy calling Leopardo his big bro even though they are in the same grade?

“…. Aghinis, your opponent has woken up.”(Leopardo)

Just as Leopardo says, Jin is waking up as I turn to him. My face turns into a smile seeing this, and I am glad he is alright.

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