Third episode: Thank You

“Well then, we’ll start off with the oath from the student Representative Doyle Von Aghinis!” (Examiner)

“Yes.” (Doyle)

I answered the voice that called my name with a clear and strong voice. I walk with pride and look straight ahead without bending my back. I could hear whispers and noise from the surrounding, this place wasn’t friendly at all, though it is my fault why this happened. But I will fix most of it right now in this place.

Man, my oath will go down in history as the one filled with the most bloodl.u.s.t, though this was not hard for me to deal with since I knew if I fail this, I would die the next day. I believe it is a good thing that this is happening, as I will at least have made a mark in history.

I head towards the stage where the king and n.o.bles were gathered. My father and mother look at me worried while my grandfather looked at me with a complicated look. I stopped at the center stage and tried to smile a smile resembled my mother’s. I give a formal bow to the king and the examiner.

———-Confusion, tumbleweed rolling through———–

I was able to quiet the whispers and succeed in stunning all the people with my gesture.

(Phase 1 of the plan is a success)

The good for nothing properly bowing down, showing respect and worship to the crown, puzzled everyone. The disappointed atmosphere and hostile stares all changed to confusion and puzzlement.

This was exactly as what I knew would happen.

The plan came to me while I was down for three days with a fever in bed, it can be explained in three steps.
1. Apologize to my teacher and reflect on the fact that I had slacked off for so long.
2. Thank everyone here for tolerating my behavior and rebellious period.
3. Tell them I will work hard and be more prudent of my behavior and acts as true man worthy of the linage of family.


These three simple things were what I would declare in the ceremony.

Thanks to my previous life experiences, Giving a poor excuse or trying to pin the blame on someone else when you know you are clearly at fault will only make the situation worse. Thus my plan is to show that att.i.tude that I have reflected and give a straightforward apology to everyone.

To use an a.n.a.logy, it would be same as a spiky haired delinquent, have change of heart and shows it by cutting his hair and comes to school regularly. This shows more than just apologizing because he has shown that he has a change of heart and tell teachers that he has reflected. This is very effective and I have seen it many times in my previous life.

Also the things I have done were not that excessive that couldn’t be forgiven, unless it was something that I should be tried for, I believe that with my apology it can be all forgiven.

Thus for my life and death moment, the method I have chosen to get me out of this situation is a simple apology. I asked my family butler Sebastian to properly teach me the manners and etiquette of n.o.ble. I told Sebastian about my reflection when I was on my death bed and that I want to fulfill my Parents and Grandfather’s expectations while living proudly in their eyes. Sebastian started to tear up as I said this, he was a butler who had been serving my family ever since my grandfather was a child. I told Sebastian to keep this training secret and that I was planning on surprising my grandfather at the ceremony. Sebastian said yes and immediately taught me the mannerism of a n.o.ble perfectly, he also created several alibi’s for me to do this in secret.

The time it took Sebastian to teach me was short as I with my high spec body quickly remembered all the moves and mannerism of a n.o.ble. At the end of the training I gained the skill [Elegance of n.o.bility]. This skill when invoke allows me to project a n.o.ble aura to my surroundings. I have activated this ever since my name had been called.

The training and the Skill I received from it has given me a greater result than I expected. The proof of this is the speechless king.

As I am holding this position for a while, my neck was starting to get tired, finally a voice was heard.

“Raise thy face.” (King)


“Yes.” (Doyle)

I respond immediately to the voice of the King and see that he was trembling slightly.

“Speak your Oaths.” (King)


“Yes, I will do this with all my honor at stake, I am very thankful for the occasion.” (Doyle)

As I was told to speak my Oaths, I thank the king the for this occasion, the basics of giving an apology was not giving it out immediately. Thus I try to set up the stage for it but even my thank you to the king was taken by surprise by the surroundings. I even heard a voice who I think is my grandfather saying “That Doyle is….” Man I sure underestimate my infamy, they think of me even lower than I thought. I almost laughed at whoever said that but laughing when trying to give an apology is definite no-no, so I hold it back and put on a serious expression.

“Before I speak my Oaths your majesty, I must first give my apology to Lute Stapp. Lute Stapp, I deeply apologize for taking away your right to be the representative, I am very poor and untalented and because of my frustration I stole your role- I am deeply and truly sorry.” (Doyle)

After saying this I lower my head to the new students and bow. I heard even more of a surprise than before. I now turn to the special seats.

“I will apologize to all of you, who have upheld the pride of the n.o.bility, I apologize for putting the name of aristocracy in mud due to my behavior and taking away the role from the proper person.” (Doyle)

I lower my head more than before, and then without waiting starting talking again. I also had plan of waiting for the king to forgive me but with all these people here I realized I can settle all grudges in one go.

“..There is something I want to swear in this place, I who took away the role from the proper person and committed such unacceptable act. Please listen to the end of my word.” (Doyle)

Ok, take a breath here and pause, separate the lines. I can see my mother crying while looking anxious, my father was holding my mother shoulders and had the same anxious expression. This is the most critical moment of my speech.

“I, Doyle von Aghinis am going to become an adult today, this could only happen due to my father and mother deep affection towards me. They are watching today and I incredibly grateful to the G.o.ddess and I am pleased that they could see like this today as well. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for raising me and protecting me until today.” (Doyle)

I lower my head and look straight at my parent. My mother was crying completely and I think I saw Meryl cry as well. Meryl who was crying lightly, hands my mother a handkerchief, my mother tries to wipe away her tears but could not do so.

“I, who was selfish and inflexible, was always loved and embraced by my mother more than anyone, I who was weak and pathetic was always protected and guided the right way by my father, I will never ever forget all the warmth and care you have given me, I also think I have understood a little of the meaning of the scolding that my grandfather gave when I was little,  I am thankful to my grandfather and my parent who has given my warmth and love until this day, to those people who have melted my cold heart, I want to stay forever as a kid who is under you care but today, the worthless and selfish Doyle is gone and the new Doyle wants to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather and my lovely parents –I am truly thankful to the love and care you have given until this day, thank you.” (Doyle)

I said this with all of my grat.i.tude in one breath, I then lowered my head so low that I reached a perfect right angle with my body.

“—Mother please keep the tears when I get married and bring back grandchildren. Mother today is a day of celebration so please laugh and smile like you always have..” (Doyle)

As I smiled and said that to my mother, she tried her best to wipe away the tears and give the best smile she could. I look to my father and see that he was also smiling a big smile.  

 “I before today, when I was sick and felt close to my death, thought long and hard for the meaning of this ceremony and the meaning of inheriting the Aghinis name. I am now prepared to accept the weight and responsibility of the name Aghinis. I was scared and was always running away from the weight of the name and scared of disappointing everyone who had expectations on me. But now I am fully prepared to accept the name and live proudly with my head held high and my chest out front. I will make sure to not disappoint the name of the [Grandson of the Holy lance], [Son of the hero and inheritor of the holy lance] and the [G.o.ddess chosen Saint], with these names on my back I will live with pride.” (Doyle)

As I said that, I look towards the special seats, I saw some swallow saliva and felt that my eyes and my grandfather eyes met. I saw the astonished face of my grandfather and continued with my speech.

“Father, Mother…..No, Duke Aghinis, d.u.c.h.ess of Aghinis, although right now I am worthless, I promise that in the near future I will became a man who will bring glory and fame to the name of Aghinis in the entire world. I will catch up to the accomplishments of my grandfather and father and then surpa.s.s it. I thank you once more with all my heart, Thank you very much.” (Doyle)

 I lower my head once more; I think of all the days I was with my family. I received both warmth and affection. There were happy moments as well as sad moments, I felt despair and joy with them. If that day where I remembered my previous has some meaning than it was too realize how great my family is.

“I am fine right now, I will do my best in today, so please wait until I come back. This Doyle will become a man who will bring glory and fame more than you can imagine. So please laugh and smile today because when I come back you will want to cry tears of pride at how great your son is.” (Doyle)

Father and Mother were both crying and laughing at the same time. They tried to wipe their tears but failed, they tried very hard to form the best smile they could and nods at my word. I smile a big smile at them while they give me the same smile.

“Thus concludes my Oath, I thank you all for listening to this one disappointing but truthful and heartfelt Oath.” (Doyle)

While saying the last words, I look at the king and bow.
For anything you must have a good closing statement.
I heard crying still while the hall was quiet but after a little while I heard the king’s voice.

“Raise thy face.” (King)


“Yes, your majesty.” (Doyle)


“—It is never permissible that a n.o.ble would lower themselves to their own people or undermine their own people achievements. As a King I must give the corresponding punishment to people who have committed such crimes. But also I believe that as a father and as a King, you should not hold a child accountable before they have become an adult.” (King)

I look straight into the eyes of the king and met his gaze. It is normally against etiquette to look the king directly in the eyes but I felt I must do this.

“Such as great kings and men have thought before, the mistakes of one before they are an adult as long it is not murder or treason shall be unaccountable to oneself. Thus I have one thing to say to Doyle von Aghinis, a very good Oath spoken, you are now an Adult and an Honorable man, Rejoice.” (King)

At the same time as the king finished speaking, everyone started to clap.

“I am extremely honored by words, your majesty.” (Doyle)


“Please continue this behavior of yours and try to exceed my expectations.” (King)


“Yes your Majesty, I will excuse myself.” (Doyle)

As I received the words from the king, I walked off the stage. This time it was not clapping but the applause you would hear at a sports game. I walk loosely and straight, without being bothered by the surroundings and sit back down at the new student section.

Although the ceremony has just begun, I felt a lot of gazes from my surrounding, one is from the crown prince, another is from the grandson of Sebastian Ballad. I ignored all them and sat straight and proper until the ceremony was over, I know these stares will come back at me later but right now I am tired so I will leave it.

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