Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Chapter 6 POV Ballad Robe

Amaku Ya.s.sahii Sekai Ikiru ni wa – Chapter 6 POV Ballad Robe

h.e.l.lo everyone, it is very nice to meet you all.


My name is Ballad Robe. I am the grandson of the Head Butler to the Duke of Aghinis Sebastian Robe who’s the son of the brave soldier serving the Hero Alan, Moldo Robe. I am but a poor man who has the honor to serve the only son of the Hero and Saint, Doyle Von Aghinis. Young Master Doyle is someone I admire from the bottom of my heart, he is a little selfish but also kind, loving, handsome and honorable.

I have been formally a.s.signed to serve young master Doyle about 5 years ago. I did not come into this position without giving at least a bucket full of blood, sweat and tears. However, all of this effort was payed off when I had finally been officially appointed to the side of young master Doyle.

That day will be one I will carry in my memories for the rest of my life. If you were to ask me to speak of master Doyle, then I believe you would need to clear at least a week worth of plans. Yes, I am able to talk about him for an entire week.

I am quite pleased to have Master Doyle as my one and only master for life.

Well, if you were to ask about me, then I am afraid that there isn’t much to say. Although I can’t brag about these points,  I am quite proud of them. I am good at caring for the livestock, cleaning, laundry, sewing, cooking, information gathering, territory management and inspection of the territory. I have all of these skills refined close to perfection. If I were to say my weakest point, that would be that I cannot fight. I lack the ability to fight, this is a catastrophic flaw to have as a servant of n.o.bility.

Normal servants and employees have the basic levels of fighting and skills linked to their duties. This is due to in case of emergency, you are able to shield your master and fight alongside him in tough times.

I am quite hopeless in this aspect, without combat skills, neither my grandfather or father will let me be a servant to young master Doyle. When I learned about my skill apt.i.tude, I was faced with despair. The hope I was always looking forward to, to finally be accepted and put beside young master Doyle was shattered. My father and Grandfather heard about my skill apt.i.tude and had completely barred me from going to the Aghinis family home, this was of course the proper action as it would have been wrong to impose on them when I can’t fight.

However, accepting this kind of reality was quite hard for the young me and I was worried that not even a small merchant would hire me. I had completely lost sight of my purpose in life and continued to face despair. The concern my family was giving at the time was actually backfiring as it hurt me even more due to the fact I couldn’t help them. One day my father took me to the Aghinis mansion, it seems that Master Doyle was worried about me, who had not shown up for quite sometime. To make my Master worry, was something that was extremely disgraceful to servants serving the Aghinis family. But the me at the time did not take his concern to heart and lashed out at young master Doyle who had nothing to do with this.

This was a very embarra.s.sing incident in my life, I was quite young and thus was unable to understand certain things. My grandfather and father seeing my att.i.tude and behavior at the time were quite panicked and scolded me quite harshly. They had ask Master Doyle for his forgiveness and was about to take me home.

It was at that time Master Doyle asked me what had happened and I told him about my skill apt.i.tude. The next line Master Doyle said is still engraved within this heart of mine, it had shocked both my grandfather and father.

“I am the next Hero of the Spear, I will be invincible and will make sure that there will be no situation that you will have to hold a sword! So for you to excel at everything else other than fighting is the greatest benefit for me. There will be no problems in the future with me.”(Young Doyle)

Listening to Master Doyle’s words that day, I had cried with a very loud voice. The people at the Aghinis family seeing me cry at that spot did not scold me but softly comforted me. It was that day that I had found my purpose for life. I pledged to stay with Master Doyle whether it rained spears or swords. Whether the world ended I would stay beside him always.


5 years later at the entrance ceremony.


Now my precious master is beginning his oath at the entrance ceremony. Master Doyle has his back stretched straight and looks dignified as well as honorable right now. There was an aura that was spewing out from him, it was not oppressive but an inviolable aura kind of? I feel like this aura is the same aura that his majesty the King, the Aghinis family head, Madam Serena, Grandmaster Zeno and Headmaster Alan gave off.


When I had heard Master Doyle had collapsed during the spring break, I wanted to rush to his side first thing but I was stopped by my grandfather who was told me that Master Doyle was fine. I was still very worried but since I cannot go against grandfather, I had left for the time being. I soon learned this worry was for naught as soon as I saw Master Doyle on the last day of the break.

Master Doyle, who I had met for the first time during the break had a different aura and atmosphere among him. He had a sunny appearance and had a smile that was not clouded nor shadowed like before. His smile was very similar to Madam Serena smile, a smile that told you everything was fine. His behavior had also changed, he was not rough but now refined and sophisticated. The thing that changed the most was his purple eyes.

Master Doyle in the last few years, when he looked at me, he did not truly look at me. His eyes always seemed like they were looking somewhere very far away. It was as if I did not stay by his side and keep watch, he would one day just disappear. Master Doyle eyes’ were not like that anymore, I could clearly see my reflection in those eyes and those eyes had a resolve now. A clear resolve that I felt would not lose, even to the King. When seeing those eyes, I felt my eyes become watery and my heart was hot.

“Father… Mother…..No, Duke Aghinis and d.u.c.h.ess Aghinis, although right now I am worthless, I promise that in the near future, I will became a man who will bring glory and fame to the name of Aghinis in the entire world. I will catch up to the accomplishments of my grandfather and father and then surpa.s.s it. I thank you once more with all my heart, thank you very much.” (Doyle)

As Master Doyle was finishing his Oath and giving thanks to Master Alan and Madam Serena, his words contained a strong determination that everyone in the room was able to feel. This figure was my master and the one worthy of the name: Duke of Aghinis. I feel that Master Doyle’s determination and resolve had no words to say at this moment, this person’s ballad was speechless.

As Master Doyle finishes his oath, the fools who were mocking and saying disgraceful words to Master Doyle were now taken in by his determination and honorable figure. But it is too late fools! You are too late to notice Master Doyle’s charm.

What on earth were those fools looking at before when seeing Master Doyle. Master Doyle has always been like this, beautiful, honorable and determined to surpa.s.s everyone. In these last few years, he has been a little rough but that is only because his heart seemed to been weighing down by something, I am not able express what that was but from what I see now, it has completely disappeared. He has found the resolve and determination that is much stronger than it has ever been before.

Master Doyle’s essence and behavior have been bad in these past years but now he has regained his former self and from what I see, surpa.s.sed it. Master Doyle will not act like a ruffian anymore and will not a.s.sociate himself with ruffians anymore. He is someone that is not like us ordinary people. Master Doyle is more loved than anyone else in this world.

After the ceremony finished, I wanted to quickly go and listen to Master Doyle’s pa.s.sionate words, but since we will be together for the next 3 years, I endured it and decided to head to meet Head Master Alan with Master Doyle. Everyone had 3 hours to see of their family, because you will not be able to see them in this 3 years at the academy. I felt that master Doyle was going to be quite hurt at this fact since he has always respected and loved his parents the most out of anything. When I had first invited master Doyle to come with me to see his parent, he had told me that he had done so earlier in his oath and entrusted with me a message to his parents.

I was shocked by such words, Master Doyle was so strongly determined to complete his oath, and it seems that my concern for him was unneeded. He also entrusted me with a message for his parent, so I would not feel guilty to visit my parent. This Ballad’s heart and appreciation for Master Doyle, I long thought had reached it’s limit, but I was wrong. My heart and appreciation has broken that limit and crushed it to pieces. My hands and body was trembling from such care from Master Doyle.

After I had seen master Doyle return to his room in the dorm, I ran as fast these legs would left. I wanted to quickly relay the message and quickly return to Master Doyle’s side. My face burning with pa.s.sion and heart filled with a sense of a mission carried my legs to the breaking point and ran the fastest ever in my life. I saw the soldier who was in front of the Aghinis family room and showed him the symbol of the Household to let me in. As soon as I got in the door, Madam Serena quickly hugged me and shouted “My dear Doyle!”

She noticed quickly I was not Master Doyle and apologized for the mix up.

In the room contained Grand-Master Zeno, Meryl the head maid, my grandfather and father, along with  Madam Serena and Head-Master Alan. When only I had shown up, there was a subtle weird atmosphere in the room, but it didn’t matter to me, the top of my appreciation and respect was my young master Doyle. My list is such Doyle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>then the people of the Aghinis family. I have to return to Master Doyle side as soon as possible thus I want to quickly finish here.

“Ballad, where is young master Doyle?”(Sebastian)

“Master Doyle had said that he had said his parting words during the oath and had returned to the dorms. I was left with a message from him and thus came to deliver it.”(Ballad)

“My dear Doyle has already left for dorms” (Serena)

When I had answered the question my grandfather asked, Madam Serena and Head Master Alan both had a sad look upon their face. Grandmaster Zeno face was slightly distorted for a second and then returned to normal.

My grandfather and father watching the family become like that had become sad as well.

“Yes, I will now recite the message, “I promise to be a man that can carry the burden of the name Aghinis, I will not see you, dear mother because I feel the next time you see me it will be the greatest moment of your life. I will for sure return to the land of Aghinis with my head held and when that day come please let me see you smile in full bloom. I love you both please take care of yourselves.” – That is all” (Ballad)

Madam Serena hearing the message starts to immediately cry and Head Master Alan, and Head maid Meryl both try to comfort her. Grandmaster Zeno had kept his eyes close and had a firm face, I could not tell what he is thinking.  I bow to the family and now turn to my family.

“Well then, Grandfather, Father I will be returning to the Dorms.”(Ballad)


Like Grandmaster Zeno and Head-Master Alan, my father and Grandfather understood my intentions and kept silent. We were able to tell each other everything without needing to exchange words. I bowed to them and was about to leave the room when my Grandfather had stopped me.

“Wait, Ballad, take this.”(Sebastian)

I stopped and turned to my grandfather. Since I will not see them again in the next 3 years I feel that I must listen to these last words.

“What is it Grandfather?”(Ballad)

“Here, take this with you.”(Sebastian)

I was given a bag with a bundle of papers and some magic tools. Some of the tools look familiar but there were some I have never seen before.

“These are magic tools, but some of these I do not recognize.”(Ballad)

“The way you use the magic tools is written on the papers, this schools has lots of trips and camps in the forest thus you may encounter some danger, these magic tools will help. There are also magic tools just made for combat.”(Sebastian)

“Magic tools for combat!?”(Ballad)

Magic tools made for combat are tools that contain spells that are mainly attack magic. They are trapped within and are actually quite expensive. Upper n.o.bility and royalty use these in case of emergencies. There are 3 of them here…….

“Because you will be beside Young master Doyle’s side from now on, and the camps will be done together you will need these magic tools.”(Sebastian)


“Young Master Doyle had once said that you do not need to fight and indeed up until now he has never let you hold weapon and fight; he will maybe never allow to hold a weapon in the future as well. I am sure you have not forgotten the promise of that day, you may have even engraved it in your heart.?”(Sebastian)

“Yes, Master Doyle is a gentle king and stronger than anyone…he is the greatest master in existence.”(Ballad)

“Exactly, young master Doyle is now trying to correct the wrongs of the 5 years he has spent doing and is now trying to walk straight and righteousness. Young Master Doyle’s Determination and effort will make this path severe and quite difficult, but I know he will accomplish great things.”(Sebastian)


“That is why dragging down young master Doyle down is unacceptable, it does not matter whether you are my grandson or a servant to Aghinis family, if you are going to drag Young master Doyle’s feet-“(Sebastian)

“I will die and make sure to die as a shield using these magic tools!”(Ballad)

“Exactly what I expect of my Grandson.”(Sebastian)

Before he had even finished speaking I said the next line my grandfather was about to say. My grandfather hearing my response nods in satisfaction and so does my father who was listening on the side. Please do not worry Grandfather, father.

Even if Master Doyle had said he will protect me, I know how I should act as. Especially since I am the one beside Master Doyle’s side. Even if I cannot fight or lack the ability to actually defeat a monster, I still have learned how to stall for time.

However, I am quite delighted at the fact I have received such expensive magic tools. Now no matter the situation I can completely avoid being a inconvenience to Master Doyle when it comes down to it.

These tools are the affection of my Grandfather and father. They strove and still strive to make their Master the best person he can be possible. I look forward to reading the papers that explain how to use these tools.

“Thank you for this priceless gift. I will make full use of this and make sure to use this in only in times of master Doyle’s benefit.”(Ballad)

“Yes, do your best son.”(Moldo)

“We will being encouraging you.”(Sebastian)


I thank my grandfather and father, and bow to the Aghinis family, finally leaving the room. I was planning to head directly to master Doyle’s room but right now I have several magic tools with me. I have to go to my room and quickly read about them, equip them and then head master Doyle’s room. I am to console master Doyle who is no doubt feeling lonely at this moment.

Please wait Master Doyle.
Ballad Robes will forever be by your side.

© 2024