_Mushrooms with emarginate sinuate Gills, or with notch near to Stem._
1. Hypholoma.
2. Tricholoma.
3. Hebeloma.
4. Entoloma.
_Mushrooms that are corky and leathery._
1. Lenzites.
2. Lentinus.
3. Schizophyllum.
4. Pa.n.u.s.
_Mushrooms with Gills running down Stem more or less (decurrent)._
1. Gomphidius.
2. Paxillus.
3. Tubaria (some species).
4. Flammula (some adnate).
5. Eccilia (truly decurrent).
6. c.l.i.topilus (somewhat decurrent).
7. Pa.n.u.s (some species decurrent).
8. Lentinus (mostly decurrent).
9. Cantharellus.
10. Hygrophorus (mostly decurrent).
11. Pleurotus (some decurrent).
12. Omphalia (truly decurrent).
13. c.l.i.tocybe (decurrent or adnate).
14. Lactarius (decurrent or adnato-decurrent).
_Mushrooms that are deliquescent or turn into inky fluid._
1. Coprinus.
2. Bolbitius.
It will also be useful to the beginner to see a list of Agarics cla.s.sified according to botanists by the color of their spores.
1. Leucosporae (white spores).
2. Rhodosporae (rosy or salmon spores).
3. Ochrosporae (ochraceous spores).
4. Melanosporae (dark purple or black spores).
_Leucosporae, or White Spores._
1. Amanita.
2. Lepiota.
3. Armillaria.
4. Tricholoma.
5. c.l.i.tocybe.
6. Collybia.
7. Mycena.
8. Omphalia.
9. Pleurotus.
10. Trogia.
11. Hygrophorus.
12. Lactarius.
13. Russula.
14. Cantharellus.
15. Marasmius.
16. Lentinus.
17. Pa.n.u.s.
18. Xerotus.
19. Schizophyllum.
20. Lenzites.
21. Arrhenia (pallid spores).
_Rhodosporae, Rosy or Salmon Spores._
1. Volvaria.
2. Pluteus.
3. Enteloma.
4. Leptonia.
5. Nolanea.
6. Eccilia.
7. Claudopus.
8. c.l.i.topilus.
_Ochrosporae, or Ochraceous Spores._
1. Pholiota.
2. Inocybe.
3. Hebeloma.
4. Flammula.
5. Naucoria.
6. Pluteolus.
7. Galera.
8. Tubaria.
9. Crepidotus.
10. Cortinarius.
11. Acetabularia.
12. Paxillus (spores are ferruginous or dingy white).
13. Bolbitius (ferruginous spores).
_Melanosporae, Dark Purple or Black Spores._