An English Grammar

Chapter 29

The following sentences present some examples:--

The bashful virgin"s sidelong looks of love, The matron"s glance that would _those_ looks reprove.--GOLDSMITH.

These were thy charms...but all _these_ charms are fled.--_Id._

About _this_ time I met with an odd volume of the "Spectator."--B. FRANKLIN.

_Yonder_ proud ships are not means of annoyance to you.--D.


_Yon_ cloud with _that_ long purple cleft.--WORDSWORTH.

I chose for the students of Kensington two characteristic examples of early art, of equal skill; but in _the one_ case, skill which was progressive--in _the other_, skill which was at pause.--RUSKIN.

Exercise.--Find sentences with five demonstrative adjectives.

[Sidenote: _Ordinal numerals cla.s.sed under demonstratives._]

147. The cla.s.s of numerals known as ordinals must be placed here, as having the same function as demonstrative adjectives. They point out which thing is meant among a series of things mentioned. The following are examples:--

The _first_ regular provincial newspapers appear to have been created in the last decade of the _seventeenth_ century, and by the middle of the _eighteenth_ century almost every important provincial town had its local organ.--BANCROFT.

These do not, like the other numerals, tell _how many_ things are meant. When we speak of the seventeenth century, we imply nothing as to how many centuries there may be.


[Sidenote: _Definition._]

148. As has been said, p.r.o.nominal adjectives are primarily p.r.o.nouns; but, when they _modify_ words instead of referring to them as antecedents, they are changed to adjectives. They are of two kinds,--RELATIVE and INTERROGATIVE,--and are used to join sentences or to ask questions, just as the corresponding p.r.o.nouns do.

[Sidenote: _Modify names of persons or things._]

149. The RELATIVE ADJECTIVES are _which_ and _what_; for example,--

It matters not _what_ rank he has, _what_ revenues or garnitures.


The silver and laughing Xenil, careless _what_ lord should possess the banks that bloomed by its everlasting course.--BULWER.

The taking of _which_ bark. I verily believe, was the ruin of every mother"s son of us.--KINGSLEY.

In _which_ evil strait Mr. Oxenham fought desperately.--_Id._

[Sidenote: _Indefinite relative adjectives._]

150. The INDEFINITE RELATIVE adjectives are _what_, _whatever_, _whatsoever_, _whichever_, _whichsoever_. Examples of their use are,--

He in his turn tasted some of its flavor, which, make _what_ sour mouths he would for pretense, proved not altogether displeasing to him.--LAMB.

_Whatever_ correction of our popular views from insight, nature will be sure to bear us out in.--EMERSON.

_Whatsoever_ kind of man he is, you at least give him full authority over your son.--RUSKIN.

Was there, as it rather seemed, a circle of ominous shadow moving along with his deformity, _whichever_ way he turned himself?--HAWTHORNE.

New torments I behold, and new tormented Around me, _whichsoever_ way I move, And _whichsoever_ way I turn, and gaze.


151. The INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVES are _which_ and _what_. They may be used in direct and indirect questions. As in the p.r.o.nouns, _which_ is selective among what is known; _what_ inquires about things or persons not known.

[Sidenote: _In direct questions._]

Sentences with _which_ and _what_ in direct questions:--

_Which_ debt must I pay first, the debt to the rich, or the debt to the poor?--EMERSON.

But when the Trojan war comes, _which_ side will you take?


But _what_ books in the circulating library circulate?--LOWELL.

_What_ beckoning ghost along the moonlight shade Invites my steps, and points to yonder glade?--POPE.

[Sidenote: _In indirect questions._]

Sentences with _which_ and _what_ in indirect questions:--

His head...looked like a weatherc.o.c.k perched upon his spindle neck to tell _which_ way the wind blew.--IRVING.

A lady once remarked, he [Coleridge] could never fix _which_ side of the garden walk would suit him best.--CARLYLE.

He was turned before long into all the universe, where it was uncertain _what_ game you would catch, or whether any.--_Id._

At _what_ rate these materials would be distributed and precipitated in regular strata, it is impossible to determine.--AGa.s.sIZ.

[Sidenote: _Adjective_ what _in exclamations_.]

152. In exclamatory expressions, _what_ (or _what a_) has a force somewhat like a descriptive adjective. It is neither relative nor interrogative, but might be called an EXCLAMATORY ADJECTIVE; as,--

Oh, _what a_ revolution! and _what a_ heart must I have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall!--BURKE.

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