An English Grammar

Chapter 91


417. It is very rarely that we find such sentences as,--

He as his apprentice, and accordingly expected the same service from me _as_ he would from another.--FRANKLIN.

This has the same effect in natural faults _as_ maiming and mutilation produce from accidents.--BURKE.

[Sidenote: _The regular construction_.]

[Sidenote: _Caution_.]

The usual way is to use the relative _as_ after _same_ if no verb follows _as;_ but, if _same_ is followed by a complete clause, _as_ is not used, but we find the relative _who, which,_ or _that_. Remember this applies only to _as_ when used as a relative.

Examples of the use of _as_ in a contracted clause:--

Looking to the same end _as_ Turner, and working in the same spirit, he, with Turner, was a discoverer, etc.--R.W. CHURCH.

They believe the same of all the works of art, _as_ of knives, boats,

Examples of relatives following _same_ in full clauses:--

[Sidenote: Who.]

This is the very same rogue _who_ sold us the spectacles.


The same person _who_ had clapped his thrilling hands at the first representation of the Tempest.--MACAULAY.

[Sidenote: That.]

I rubbed on some of the same ointment _that_ was given me at my first arrival.--SWIFT.

[Sidenote: Which.]

For the same sound is in my ears _Which_ in those days I heard.--WORDSWORTH.

With the same minuteness _which_ her predecessor had exhibited, she pa.s.sed the lamp over her face and person.--SCOTT.


[Sidenote: _Anacoluthic use of_ which.]

418. There is now and then found in the pages of literature a construction which imitates the Latin, but which is usually carefully avoided. It is a use of the relative _which_ so as to make an anacoluthon, or lack of proper connection between the clauses; for example,--

_Which_, if I had resolved to go on with, I might as well have staid at home.--DEFOE

_Which_ if he attempted to do, Mr. Billings vowed that he would follow him to Jerusalem.--THACKERAY.

We know not the incantation of the heart that would wake them;--_which_ if they once heard, they would start up to meet us in the power of long ago.--RUSKIN.

He delivered the letter, _which_ when Mr. Thornhill had read, he said that all submission was now too late.--GOLDSMITH.

But still the house affairs would draw her thence; _Which_ ever as she could with haste dispatch, She"d come again.--SHAKESPEARE.

As the sentences stand, _which_ really has no office in the sentence: it should be changed to a demonstrative or a personal p.r.o.noun, and this be placed in the proper clause.

Exercise.--Rewrite the above five sentences so as to make the proper grammatical connection in each.

[Sidenote: And who, and which, _etc._]

419. There is another kind of expression which slips into the lines of even standard authors, but which is always regarded as an oversight and a blemish.

The following sentence affords an example: "The rich are now engaged in distributing what remains among the poorer sort, _and who_ are now thrown upon their compa.s.sion." The trouble is that such conjunctions as _and_, _but_, _or_, etc., should connect expressions of the same kind: _and who_ makes us look for a preceding _who_, but none is expressed. There are three ways to remedy the sentence quoted: thus, (1) "Among those _who_ are poor, _and who_ are now," etc.; (2) "Among the poorer sort, _who_ are now thrown," etc.; (3) "Among the poorer sort, now thrown upon their," etc. That is,--

[Sidenote: _Direction for rewriting._]

Express both relatives, or omit the conjunction, or leave out both connective and relative.


Rewrite the following examples according to the direction just given:--

[Sidenote: And who.]

1. Hester bestowed all her means on wretches less miserable than herself, and who not unfrequently insulted the hand that fed them.--HAWTHORNE.

2. With an albatross perched on his shoulder, and who might be introduced to the congregation as the immediate organ of his conversion.--DE QUINCEY.

3. After this came Elizabeth herself, then in the full glow of what in a sovereign was called beauty, and who would in the lowest walk of life have been truly judged to possess a n.o.ble figure.--SCOTT.

4. This was a gentleman, once a great favorite of M. le Conte, and in whom I myself was not a little interested.--THACKERAY.

[Sidenote: But who.]

5. Yonder woman was the wife of a certain learned man, English by name, but who had long dwelt in Amsterdam.--HAWTHORNE.

6. Dr. Ferguson considered him as a man of a powerful capacity, but whose mind was thrown off its just bias.--SCOTT.

[Sidenote: Or who.]

7. "What knight so craven, then," exclaims the chivalrous Venetian, "that he would not have been more than a match for the stoutest adversary; or who would not have lost his life a thousand times sooner than return dishonored by the lady of his love?"--PRESCOTT.

[Sidenote: And which.]

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