AIGLET, _s._

1. A tagged point.

_Gl. Sibb._

2. A jewel in one"s cap.

_Gl. Sibb._

Fr. _esguilette_, id. q. _aculeata_.

AIK, AYK, _s._ The oak, S. Plur. _akis_, oaks.


A. S. _ac_, _aec_, Alem. Germ. _eiche_, Su. G. _ek_, Isl. _eik_, quercus.

AIKERIT, _part. adj._ Eared; _weil yaikert_, having full ears; applied to grain, Tweedd, p.r.o.n. _yaikert_.

V. ~Aigars~.

AIKRAW, _s._ Pitted warty lichen, L. scrobiculatus, Linn. South of S.

V. ~Staneraw~.


AYLE, _s._

1. A projection from the body of a church, one of the wings of the transept, S.

2. An inclosed and covered burial place, adjoining to a church, though not forming part of it, S.


Moes. G. and A. S. _alh_, templum.

AILICKEY, _s._ The bridegroom"s man, he who attends on the bridegroom or is employed as his messenger at a wedding, Ang.

Su. G. _e_ marriage, and _lackey_, Fr. _lacquay_, a runner.

AIN, _adj._ Own, S.

V. ~Awin~.

AYND, END, _s._ The breath; also written _end_; A. Bor. _Yane_, id.


Isl. Su. G. _ande_, A. S. _ond_, halitus, spiritus.

_To_ AYND, EAND, _v. a._ To breathe upon.


Isl. _and-a_, Su. G. _and-as_, respirare.

AYNDING, _s._ The act of breathing.


AYNDING-STEDE, _s._ A breathing-place.


AYNDLESSE, _adj._ Breathless, out of breath.


AINS, _adv._ Once.

V. ~Anis~.

AIR, AYR, AR, ARE, _adv._

1. Before, formerly.


2. Early.

_Fell air_, very early in the morning.

_Airer_, compar.; _airest_, superl.


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