A. S. _bryn_, incendium, and _stan_, q. lapis incendii seu incendiarius. Sw. _braensten_, id.

BRIN, BRINN, _s._ A ray, a beam, a flash, S. B.

_Poems Buchan Dial._


~To Brink~. Perhaps, inwardly.

_Sir Tristrem._

Q. in pectore; Isl. Su. G. _bring-a_, pectus.

BRINKIT, _part. pa._ Perhaps, bronzed.

_Bannatyne Poems._

Su. G. _brinna_, to burn, or _braecka_, to roast.

BRISKET, BISKET, _s._ The breast, S.


Fr. _brichet_, id. Perhaps we have the origin of the word in Isl.

_briosk_, Sw. _brusk_, gristle. The word in E. denotes "the breast of an animal." It bears this sense also in S., and is sometimes corr.

called _briskin_.

BRISMAK, _s._ The name given to Torsk, our Tusk, in Shetland.

BRISSAL, _adj._ Brittle. Gl. Sibb.

Alem. _bruzzi_, fragilitas; Otfrid. Fr. _bresiller_, rompre, briser, mettre en pieces; Gl. Roquefort.

BRISSEL-c.o.c.k, _s._ Apparently the turkey-c.o.c.k.


Denominated perhaps from its rough and _bristly_ appearance; or q.

_Brasil-c.o.c.k_, as, according to Pennant, the turkey was unknown to the old world before the discovery of America. "The first birds of this kind," he supposes, "must have been brought from Mexico."

_To_ BRISSLE, _v. a._ To broil, &c.

V. ~Birsle~.

_To_ BRIST, BRYST, _s._ To burst.


Isl. _brest-a_, Dan. _brist-er_, frangi, rumpi, c.u.m fragore (crepitu) dissilire.

BRITH, _s._ A term which seems to mean wrath or contention.

_Gawan and Gol._

Su. G. _braede_, anger; _brigd_, controversy; _brigd-a_, to litigate.


1. To break down, in whatever way.

_Gawan and Gol._

2. To kill; applied both to man and beast.

V. ~Bertynit~.


It is also written _bertyn_. A. S. _bryt-an_, Su. G. _bryt-a_, Isl.

_briot-a_, frangere.

BRITURE, Houlate iii. 8., is in Bannatyne MS. _brit ure_.

_To_ BRIZE, _v. a._ To bruise.

V. ~Birse~.


V. ~Braid-band~.

_To_ BROCHE, _v. a._ To p.r.i.c.k, to pierce.


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