
2. Improperly used for a battle.


Fr. _brouiller_, to quarrel; Su. G. _bryl-la_, _foerbrilla_, to embroil.

_To_ BRUND, _v. n._ To emit sparks as a flint does when struck.--_It"s brundin_, the fire flies from it, S. B.

Su. G. _brinn-a_, to burn.

~Brunds~, ~Brundis~, ~Brwndys~, _s. pl._

1. Brands, pieces of wood lighted.


2. It seems to signify the remains of burnt wood, reduced to the state of charcoal, and as perhaps retaining some sparks.


3. The term is still commonly used in Ang., only with greater lat.i.tude.

A. S. _brond_ may be the origin; as in the second sense it merely denotes a firebrand almost entirely burnt out.

BRUS, _s._ Force, _impetus_.


Belg. _bruyssch-en_, to foam or roar like the sea; Su. G. _brus-a_, sonare; De aquis c.u.m impetu ruentibus aut fluctibus maris; Ihre.

BRUSE, BROOSE, BRUISE, _s. To ride the bruse_.

1. To run a race on horseback at a wedding, S., a custom still preserved in the country. Those who are at a wedding, especially the younger part of the company, who are conducting the bride from her own house to the bridegroom"s, often set off, at full speed, for the latter. This is called, _riding the bruse_. He who first reaches the house is said to _win the bruse_.


2. Metaph., to strive, to contend in whatever way.

_R. Galloway._

This means nothing more than riding for the _brose_, _broth_ or _kail_, the prize of _spice-broth_ allotted in some places to the victor.

_To_ BRUS, BRUSCH, _v. a._ To force open, to press up.


Sicamb. _bruys-en_, premere, strepere.

_To_ BRUSCH, _v. n._ To burst forth, to rush, to issue with violence.

V. ~Brus~, _s._


BRUSIT, _part. pa._ Embroidered.


L. B. _brusd-us_, _brust-us_, acupictus; Du Cange.

~Brusury~, _s._ Embroidery.


BRUSSLE, _s._ Bustle, Loth.

V. ~Breessil~.

A. S. _brastl-ian_, strepere.

_To_ BRUST, _v. n._ To burst.

_R. Bruce._

Teut. _brost-en_, _brusten_, Sw. _brist-a_, _id._

BRWHS, _s._ Apparently, the same with _Brus_.


_To_ BU, BUE, _v. n._ To low. It properly denotes the cry of a calf, S.

Lat. _boo_, _--are_, id.

BU, BOO, _s._

1. A sound meant to excite terror, S.

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