1. Cautious, prudent, S.


2. Artful, crafty, S.


3. Attentive, wary, watchful, S.


4. Frugal, not given to expence, S.


5. Moderate in charges, S.

6. Useful, beneficial, S.


7. Handy, expert at any business; often used in relation to midwifery, S.


8. Gentle, so as not to hurt a sore, S.

9. Soft, easy, as applied to a state of rest, S.


10. Slow in motion. "To gang _canny_," to move slowly; "to caw _canny_,"

to drive softly; also, to manage with frugality, S.


11. Soft and easy in motion, S.

12. Safe, not dangerous. "A _canny_ horse," one that may be rode with safety, S.


_No canny_, not safe, dangerous, S.

_Popul. Ball._

13. Composed, deliberate; as opposed to _flochtry_, _throwther_, S.

14. Not hard, not difficult of execution, S.


15. Easy in situation, snug, comfortable; as "He sits very _canny_." "He has a braw _canny_ seat," S.


16. Fortunate, lucky, S.


17. Fortunate, used in a superst.i.tious sense, S.

_R. Galloway._

_No canny_, not fortunate, applied both to things and to persons.


18. Endowed with knowledge, supposed by the vulgar to proceed from a preternatural origin; possessing magical skill, South of S.

_Tales Landl._

19. Good, worthy, "A braw _canny_ man," a pleasant, good-conditioned, or worthy man, S.

_Statist. Acc._

20. Applied to any instrument, it signifies well-fitted, convenient, S.


_Survey Nairn._

Isl. _kiaen_, sciens, prudens; callidus, astutus; _kaeni_, fortis et prudens; from _kenn-a_, noscere.

~Cannie Wife~, a midwife, South of S.


~Cannily~, adv.

1. Cautiously, prudently, S.


2. Moderately, not violently, S.

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