CHITTER-LILLING, _s._ An opprobrious term.


Perhaps the same as E. _chitterlin_, the intestines.

_To_ CHIZZEL, _v. a._ To cheat, to act deceitfully, S. B. _Chouse_, E.

Belg. _kweezel-en_, to act hypocritically.


V. ~Kaisart~.

CHOKKEIS, p.r.o.nounced _chouks_, _s. pl._ The jaws, properly the glandular parts under the jaw-bones, S.

V. ~Chukis~.


Isl. _kalke_, _kialke_, maxilla, the jaws, _kuok_, gula, faux bruti.

~Chok-band~, _s._ The small strip of leather by which a bridle is fastened around the jaws of a horse, S.

CHOL, CHOW, _s._ The jole or jowl.


A. S. _ceole_, faucis, _ceolas_, fauces, the jaws.

_Cheek for chow_, S. cheek by jole.


CHOLER, CHULLER, CHURL, _s._ A double-chin, S.

_Journal Lond._

CHOLLE, _s._ Perhaps the chough.

_Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._


V. ~Chirk~.

_To_ CHORP, _v. n._ To emit a creaking sound, Loth.

CHOSS, _s._ Choice.



V. ~Chokkis.~

CHOW, _s._ The jowl.

V. ~Chol~.

CHOWPIS, _pret. v._ Chops about.


CHOWS, _s. pl._ A smaller kind of coal, much used in forges, S.; perhaps from Fr. _chou_, the general name of coal.

_Statist. Acc._

_To_ CHOWTLE, CHUTTLE, _v. n._ To chew feebly, as a child, or an old person does, S.

Isl. _jodla_, infirmiter mandere.

CHRYSTISMESS, _s._ Christmas.


CHUCKIE, _s._ A low or cant term for a hen, S.

Belg. _kuyken_, a chicken.

~Chuckie-Stane~, _s._

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