_To_ DRIZZLE, _v. n._ To walk slow; Gl. Shirr.

Isl. _drosl-a_, haesitanter progredi.

DRIZZLING, _s._ Slaver.

_Gl. Shirr._

_To_ DROB, _v. a._ To p.r.i.c.k, Ang.

Isl. _drep-a_, perforare.

~Drob~, _s._ A thorn, a p.r.i.c.kle, Perths.

DRODDUM, _s._ The breech.


DROG, _s._ A buoy attached to the end of a harpoon line, S.

DROGARIES, _pl._ Drugs.


Fr. _drogueries_, id.

DROICH, _s._ A dwarf, _droch_, S. B. _dreich_, Border.

_Bannatyne Poems._

A. S. _dweorh_, Isl. _droeg_, homuncio.

~Droichy~, _adj._ Dwarfish, S.

DROILE, _s._ A slave; Isl. _driole_, id.

_Z. Boyd._

DRONACH, _s._ Penalty, S. B.

Isl. _drungi_, molestia, onus.

DROTES, _pl._ n.o.bles.

_Sir Gawan._

Su. G. _drott_, a lord.


1. Dark, troubled.


2. Muddy; applied to water.

Teut. _droef_, turbidus.



1. Illicit love.


2. A love-token.


3. A gift of any kind.


O. Fr. _drurie_, la vie joyeuse.

_To_ DROUK, _v. a._ To drench, S.


DROUTH, _s._

1. Drought, S.

_Chron. S. P._

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