FELT GRAVEL, the sandy gravel.


FELTIFARE, _s._ The red shank, S.

_Gl. Complaynt._

FEN, _s._ Mud, filth. A. S. _fenn_.


A. S. _fenn_, lutum, sordes, Moes. G. _fani_, lutum. Lat.


_To_ FEN.

V. ~Fend~, _v._ 2.

_To_ FEND, _v. a._ To tempt.

V. ~Faynd~.


_To_ FEND, FENDE, _v. a._

1. To defend, S. Fr. _de-fend-re_, id.


2. To support.

_Minstr. Bord._

3. To provide for one"s self.


_To_ FEND, FEN, _v. n._

1. To shift, S.

_Chron. S. P._

2. To fare in general, S.

~Fend~, ~Fen~, _s._ The shift one makes, S.


~Fendie~, _adj._ Good at making shift, S.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

FENESTER, _s._ A window.


FENT, _s._ An opening in a sleeve, shirt, coat, &c. S.

Fr. _fente_, id.

FER, _s._ Preparation.

V. ~Fayr~.


FER, _adv._ Far.


FERCOST, _s._ A bark.

V. ~Farcost~.


FERD, FEIRD, FEYRD, _adj._ Fourth.

Su. G. _fiaerde_, Isl. _fiorda_, id.


FERD, _s._ Force.

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