
FORWORTHIN, _part. pa._ Execrable.

A. S. _for-weorth-an_, perire.


FORWROCHT, _part. pa._ Overtoiled.

Belg. _verwerkt_, id.


FORYAWD, _part. adj._ Worn out with fatigue, Loth., perhaps for _foryede_, q. over-walked.

_To_ FORYEILD, _v. a._ To recompense.


A. S. _for-geild-an_, compensare.

FORYEING, _part. pr._ Foregoing.

A. S. _forga-n_, praeire.


_To_ FORYET, FORYHET, _v. a._ To forget, S. B.


FORYOUDENT, _adj._ Overcome with weariness, Ang., perhaps q.


FOS, FOSS, _s._ Pit for drowning.

V. ~Pit~.

FOSSA, _s._ Gra.s.s growing among stubble, Ang.

L. B. _fossae_.

FOSTEL, _s._ A cask.

_King Hart._

Fr. _fustaille_, id.

FOSTER, _s._ Progeny, Sw. id.

_Gl. Sibb._

_To_ FOTCH, FOUTCH, FOCH, _v. a._

1. To change situation.

_R. Bruce._

2. To shift horses in a plough.

3. To exchange in any way, S. B.

_To_ ~Fotch~, _v. n._ To flinch.


Isl. _fetta_, retrorsum flectere.

FOTHYR, _s._ A cart-load.

V. ~Fudder~.

FOU, _s._ A pitch-fork.


FOUD, _s._ The president of the Supreme Court formerly held in the Orkney Islands.


Su. G. _fogde_, _fougte_, praefectus.

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