FRIM-FRAM, _s._ Trifle.

_Presb. Eloq._

_To_ FRIST, _v. a._

1. To delay.

Isl. _frest-a_.


2. To give on credit, S.

_Chron. S. P._

~Frist~, ~Fristing~, _s._

1. Delay.


Isl. _frest-r_, Germ. _frist_, id.

2. _To frist_, _afrist_, on credit.

_Bannatyne Poems._

FRYST, _adj_ First.


FRITTE, _s._ Perhaps, protection; Germ. _friede_.


FROATH-STICK, _s._ A stick for whipping cream, S. B.

_Watson"s Coll._

FRODY, _adj._ L. _frelie_.


FROG, _s._ An upper coat.


O. Flem. _frock_, suprema vestis.

_To_ FROG, _v. n._ To snow or sleet at intervals, Ang.

~Frog~, _s._ A flying shower of snow or sleet, Ang.


FROG, _s._ A young horse.


_To_ FRONT, _v. n._ Applied to meat, when it swells in boiling, Ang.

FROUNSIT, _part. pa._ Wrinkled.

Fr. _frons-er_, to wrinkle.


FROW, _s._ A l.u.s.ty female, S.

Germ. _fraw_, Belg. _vrowe_, a woman.

FROWDIE, _s._ A big l.u.s.ty woman, S. B.

Sw. _frodig_, plump.

FROWDIE, _s._ A cap worn by old women, Ang.

Su. G. _fru-tyg_, a lady"s cap.

FRUCTUOUS, _adj._ Fruitful.


FRUNTY, FRONTY, _adj._ Free in manner, Fife.

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