Isl. _geir_, segmentum panni figura triquetra.

2. A slip of tender fertile gra.s.s in a barren situation, S. A.

_Gl. Sibb._

~Gaired~, ~Gairy~, _adj._ Having streaks of different colours, S. A _gairy cow_, a cow thus streaked.

~Gairie-bee~, _s._ Apis terrestris, S.

GAIRDONE, _s._ Perh. for _guerdon_, reward.


GAIRFISH, _s._ The Porpoise, Ang.

_Statist. Acc._

GAIS, _imperat._ of _Ga_, to go.



1. A skeleton, Stirl. Dumfr.


2. An obstacle or impediment, Fife.

Hence, _ill-gaishon"d_, mischievously disposed, ibid.

GAISLIN, _s._ A young goose, S.

Su. G. _gaasling_. id.



1. The soul.


2. A ghost, S.


A. S. _gaste_, Belg. _gheest_.

3. A piece of dead coal, S.

GAIT, GATE, _s._

1. A way, S.


Su. G. Isl. _gata_, semita, via.

2. An indefinite s.p.a.ce.


3. A street, S.

Su. G. _gata_, id.


4. A warlike expedition.

_Gawan and Gol._

5. As an _adv. Sa gat_, so; _How gats_, in what manner; _Thus gatis_, after this manner; _Mony gatis_, in various ways.

6. _To tak the gait_, to depart, to run away; also, to begin to walk out, S.

7. _To had the gate_, to prosper.

_Gl. Ramsay._

~Gatewards~, _adv._ Towards, S. B.

GAIT, _s._ A goat, S.


Su. G. _get_, A. S. _gat_, id.


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