
GEO, (_g_ hard) _s._ A deep hollow, Caithn.

Isl. _gia_, hiatus oblongus.

2. A creek or chasm in the sh.o.r.e is called _geow_, Orkn.

GER, GERE, GEIR, GEAR, (_g_ hard) _s._

1. Warlike accoutrements.


Isl. _geir_, lancea; Dan. _dyn geira_, strepitus armorum.

2. Goods. _Goods and gear_, a law phrase, S.


3. Booty.

_Minst. Bord._

4. All kind of tools for business, S.


5. Money, S.


~Gerit, Geared~, _part. adj._ Provided with armour.



V. ~Gallytrough~.

GERRON, GAIRUN, _s._ A sea-trout, Ang.

_Minst. Bord._

GERS, GYRS, _s._ Gra.s.s, S.


A. S. _gaers_, Belg. _gars, gers_, id.

~Gersy~, _adj._ Gra.s.sy, S.


~Gerss-house~, _s._ A house possessed by a tenant who has no land attached to it, Ang.

~Gersslouper~, _s._ A gra.s.shoper, S. B.

~Gerss-man~, ~Gra.s.s-man~, _s._ A tenant who has no land.


Su. G. _graessaeti_, id.

~Gerss-tack~, _s._ The lease which a _gerss-man_ has, Ang.

GERSOME, GRESSOUME, _s._ A sum paid to a landlord by a tenant, at the entry of a lease, or by a new heir to a lease or feu, S.


A. S. _gaersuma_, _gersume_, a compensation.

_To_ GES, _v. n._ To guess.


GESNING, GESTNING, _s_ (_g_ hard) Hospitable reception.


Isl. _gistning_, id. from _gest-r_, a guest.

GESSERANT, Sparkling.

_K. Quair._

Teut. _ghester_, a spark.

GEST, _s._ Ghost.

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