6. Equivalent to _man_.

_King Hart._

7. A jailor.


8. By inversion, this designation has been given to the devil.


GOOG, _s._

1. An unfledged bird, Ang.

2. Very young meat, that has no firmness, Ang.

A. S. _geoguth_, youth.

GOOL, GULE, _adj._ Yellow.


A. S. _geolu_, _guul_, Su. G. _gul_, id.

_To_ GOOSE, _v. a._ To iron linen cloths, S. from a tailor"s _goose_.

GOOSE-CORN, _s._ Field Brome-gra.s.s, S.

Sw. _gaas-hafre_, i. e. goose-oats.

GORBACK, _s._ A sort of rampart, Orkn.

Isl. _gior-a_, facere, and _balk-r_, strues.

GORBET, _s._

1. A young bird, S. B.


2. Metaph., a child, Ang.

V. ~Garb~.

GORBY, _s._ A raven, S. _corby_.


Norw. _gorp_, Isl. _gorbor_, id.

_To_ GORBLE UP, _v. a._ To swallow with eagerness, Loth.


~Gorbling~, ~Gorling~, _s._ An unfledged bird, S., _gorbel_, Moray.


2. A very young person, Loth. id.

GOR-c.o.c.k, _s._ The red c.o.c.k, or moor-c.o.c.k.


GORDON, _s._ A wild fowl.

V. ~Golding~.

GORDS, _s. pl._ Lands now waste, that had formerly been cultivated, Orkn.

Su. G. _gord_, sepimentum, area clausa.

GORE, _s._ Hardened rheum from the eyes, S.

V. ~Gaar~.

GORE, _s._ A strip of cloth.

V. ~Gair~.

GORFY, _adj._ Having a coa.r.s.e appearance, Ang.

_To_ GORGE, _v. n._ Expressing the sound made in walking, when the shoes are filled with water, Fife.

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