A. S. _halga_, sanctus.


1. The neck; S. _ha.s.s_.


2. The throat, S.


3. Any narrow pa.s.sage.


A. S. Su. G. _hals_, collum.

_To_ ~Hals~, ~Hawse~, _v. a._ To embrace, S. B.

Su. G. Isl. _hals-as_, amplexari.


~Hals~, _s._ Embrace, kiss.


~Halsbane~, _s._ Collar-bone, S.


~Halsfang~, _s._ Pillory.

_Burrow LL._

A. S. id.


1. Haughty.

O. Fr. _haltain_.


2. Contemptuous.


~Haltanely~, _adv._ Proudly.


HALTIR. _Haltir geistis_, perh. beams fastened together.


Alem. _helte_, compes.


1. Domestic, S. p.r.o.n. _haimilt_, _haimeil_, _haimeld_.


2. What is one"s own.

_Quon. Att._

3. Denoting the produce of our own country, S.

4. What is made at home; as _haimilt claith_, S.

5. Vernacular, S.


Su. G. Isl. _heimil_, proprius; Isl. _heimild_, proprietates.

6. Vulgar, S. B.


_To_ ~Hamald~, ~Haymhald~, _v. a._ To prove any thing to be one"s property, presently possessed or claimed by another.

_Quon. Att._

2. To domesticate, Loth.

Isl. _heimil-a_, domo recipere.

~Hamald~, ~Ham-hald~, _s. Borgh of hamhald_, one who becomes surety, that the goods bought from the seller shall be safely delivered to the purchaser.

_Reg. Maj._

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