
~Haveril~, _adj._ Foolish in talk, S.

HAVES, _s. pl._ Goods, effects.

_Gl. Sibb._

HAUGULL, _s._ A cold and damp wind blowing from the sea, Ang.

Isl. _hafgola_, flatus ex oceano spirans.


1. Carriage, behaviour.


2. Good manners, S.


3. Weeds, dress, S. B.


Isl. _haef_, manners, Su. G. _haefv-a_, decere.

HAUNTY, _adj._

V. ~Hanty~.

_To_ HAUP, _v. n._ To turn to the right; applied to horses, or cattle in the yoke, S.

Isl. _hop-a_, retro cedere.


HAW, HAAVE, _adj._

1. Azure.


2. Pale, wan, S. B.


A. S. _haewen_, glaucus.

_To_ HAWGH, _v. n._ To force up phlegm, S. to _hawk_, E.

C. B. _hochio_, id.

HAWYS, _imperat. v._ Have ye.


HAWKIT, _adj._ Having a white face; applied to cattle, S.


~Hawkey~, _s._

1. A cow with a white face, S.


2. A stupid fellow.

_Gl. Shirr._

HAWK, _s._ A dung fork.

V. ~Hack~.

HAWSE, _s._ The throat.

V. ~Hals~.


HAZEL-RAW, _s._ Lichen pulmonarius, S.


HE, _s._ A male, S. B.

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