Isl. _aukaise_, h.o.m.o nihili.

_To_ HOD, HODE, _v. a._ To hide, S. B.


Belg. _hoed-en_, Alem. _huod-en_, id.

HODDEN-GREY, _adj._ Applied to cloth worn by the peasantry, which has the natural colour of the wool, S.


E. _hoiden_, rustic, clownish.

HODDIE, _s._ A carrion-crow.

V. ~Huddy~.

HODDIN, _part._ Expressive of the jogging motion of one who rides a horse that moves stiffly, S. O.

V. ~Houd~.


_To_ HODDLE, _v. n._ To waddle, Ang.

HODLACK, _s._ A rick of bay, Etterick Forest.

HOE, HOE-FISH, _s._ The piked dogfish, Orkn.


Sw. _haj_, Dan. _ho_, id.

HOE-MOTHER, HOMER, _s._ The basking shark, Orkn.


HOESHINS, _s. pl._ Stockings without feet, Ayrs.

Teut. _huysken_, theca.

HOG, _s._ A young sheep, before it has lost its first fleece.

_Gl. Complaynt._

_Stat. Acc._

L. B. _hoggaeius_, a young sheep of the second year.

HOG, _s._ In the diversion of curling, the name given to a stone which does not go over the _distance score_, S.


_To_ HOG, HOGG, _v. a._ To shog, Ang.

_Old Ball._

Isl. _hagg-a_, commoveo,

HOGERS, HOGGERS, _s. pl._ Coa.r.s.e stockings without feet, S.



1. The last day of the year, S.

2. The entertainment given to a visitor on this day; or a gift conferred on those who apply for it, S.

_J. Nicol._

The origin is quite uncertain.

HOGRY-MOGRY, _adj_ Slovenly, Loth. corr. from _hugger-mugger_, E.

V. ~Hudge-mudge~.

HOG-SCORE, _s._ A distance-line, in curling, drawn across the _rink_ or course, S.


HOG-SHOUTHER, _s._ A game in which those who amuse themselves justle each other by the shoulders, S.

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