~Irusly~, _adv._ Angrily.


IS, _term._ The mark of the genitive sing., as _manis_, of man; in A. S.


_To_ ISCH, ISCHE, _v. n._ To issue.

O. Fr. _yss-ir_, id.


_To_ ~Ische~, _v. a._ To cause to issue.

Isl. _ys-a_, expellere.

_Acts Ja. V._

~Ische~, _s._ Issue.



1. I shall.


2. I am, West of S. q. _I is_.

ISECHOKILL, _s._ An icicle, S. _ice-shogle_, S. A.


A. S. _ice-gicel_, Belg. _yskegel_, id.

ISILLIS, _pl._ Embers.

V. ~Eizel~.

ISK, ISKIE, _interj._ The word used in calling a dog, S.


Fr. _icy_, hither; or Teut. _aes_, _aesken_, a dog.


1. Busy, diligent; S. _eident_.


2. Steady, uniform.


3. Constant, continual.


Su. G. Isl. _idin_, laborious, industrious; _idne_, labour, industry; from _id_, work.

~Ithandly~, ~Ythanly~, ~Ithinglie~, _adv._

1. Busily, diligently; S. _eidentlie_.


2. Without interruption.


YTHRANGIN, _pret. v._ Thrust upwards.

V. ~Thring~, _v. a._

JUCAT, _s._ A measure.

V. ~Joucate~.

JUFFLER, _s._ Shuffler.


JUGGS, JOUGS, JOGGES, _s. pl._ A kind of pillory; the criminal being fastened to a wall or post, by an iron collar which surrounds his neck, S.

Lat. _jug-um_, a yoke.

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