A. S. _laen-an_, Su. G. _laen-a_, id.

~Len~, ~Leane~, ~Lend~, _s._ A loan, S.

A. S. _laen_, _lean_, id.

_Acts Ja. VI._

_To_ LEND, _v. n._ To dwell.

V. ~Leind~.

LENDIS, _s. pl._

1. Loins.

_Chr. Kirk._

2. b.u.t.tocks.


Isl. _lend_, clunis; in _pl. lendar_, lumbi.

_To_ LENE, _v. n._ To give.

V. ~Lenit~.


1. Lean.


2. Of a thin texture.


A. S. _hlaene_, _laene_, macer.

LENIT, _pret._ Granted.


Isl. _laen-a_, concedere.

LENIT, LENT, _pret._ Abode.

V. ~Leind~.

LENIT, LENT, _pret._ Leaned.


LENT-FIRE, _s._ A slow fire.


Fr. _lent_, slow.

LENTFULL, _adj._ Mournful, from _Lent_, the season appropriated to fasting.


LENTRYNE, LENTYRE, _s._ Lent; still used to denote Spring, S.


A. S. _lengten_, Lent, also Spring.

~Lentrin Kail~, broth made without beef, S.

_J. Nicol._

LENNO, _s._ A child.


Gael. _leanabh_, id.

_To_ LENTH, _v. a._ To lengthen.


Teut. _lengh-en_, Sw. _leng-a_, prolongare.

LEOMEN, _s._ A leg, Aberd.

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