LITE, _s._ A nomination of candidates for election to any office.

V. ~Leet~.


_To_ LITH, LYTH, _v. n._ To listen.

_Gawan and Gol._

Su. G. _lyd-a_, Isl. _hlyd-a_, audire.

LITH, _s._

1. A joint, S.


2. Metaphor, the hinge of an argument, S.

A. S. _lith_, artus, membrum.


_To_ ~Lith~, _v. a._ To separate the joints one from another, S.

LITHE, _adj._

1. Calm, sheltered, S. _lyde_, S. B.


2. Possessing genial heat.


3. Metaph. affectionate. _A lithe side_, attachment or regard, S. B.

A. S. _hlithe_, quietus, _hlewoth_, apricitas.

_To_ ~Lythe~, _v. a._ To shelter, S. B.


~Lythe~, _s._

1. A warm shelter, S. B.


2. Encouragement, countenance, S. B.


~Lythnes~, _s._ Warmth, heat.

_Porteous of n.o.blenes._

_To_ LITHE, _v. a._

1. To soften.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

2. To thicken, to mellow, S.

A. S. _lith-ian_, to mitigate.

~Lythe~, _adj._ a.s.suaging.

_Sir Tristrem._

LITHE, _s._ A ridge, an ascent.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _hlithe_, Isl. _leit_, jugum montis.

LYTHE, LAID, _s._ The pollack, Gadus Pollachius, S.

_Statist. Acc._

LYTHYRNES, _s._ Sloth.

V. ~Lidder~.


LYTHIS, _s. pl._ Perh. manners.


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