
3. _Up to the lugs_ in any thing, quite immersed in it, S.

4. _If he were worth his lugs_, i. e. if he acted as became him, S.

Su. G. _lugg-a_, to drag one.

LUG, _s._ The worm, called Lumbricus marinus, S.

_Statist. Acc._

Fris. _luggh-en_, ignave et segniter agere.

LUGGIE, _adj._ Applied to corn which grows mostly to the straw, S. B.

Belg. _log_, heavy.

LUGGIE, _s._ A lodge or hut, S. B.

Teut. _logie_, id.

LUGGIE, LOGGIE, _s._ A small wooden vessel, for holding meat or drink, made of staves, one of which projects as a handle, S.


From _lug_, the ear; or Belg. _lokie_, a wooden sauce-boat.

LUID, _s._ A poem.

V. ~Leid~.

LUIK-HARt.i.t, _adj._ Warmhearted.

Alem. _lauc_, flame.


LUIT, _pret._ Let.


_Lute of_, reckoned.

_R. Bruce._

LUKNYT, _part. pa._ Locked.

V. ~Lucken~.

LUM, LUMB, _s._

1. A chimney, S.

_Statist. Acc._

2. Sometimes the chimney-top, S.

C. B. _llumon_, id.


~Lum-head~, _s._ A chimney top, S.


LUME, _s._ An utensil.

V. ~Lome~.

LUMMLE, _s._ The filings of metal, S.

Fr. _limaille_, id.

LUNCH, _s._ A large piece of any thing, S.

Sw. _luns_, ma.s.sa.


LUND, LWND, _s._ London.


LUNYIE, _s._ The loin.

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