2. That cannot be equalled, S.


MARSCHAL, _s._ Steward.


Germ. _marschalk_, praefectus servorum.

MART, ~Marte~, _s._ War, or the G.o.d of war, _Mars_.


MART, ~Marte~, ~Mairt~, _s._

1. A cow or ox, fattened, killed and salted for winter provision, S.

_Acts Ja. IV._

2. Applied to one, pampered with ease and prosperity.

_R. Bruce._

From _Martinmas_, the term at which beeves are usually killed for winter store.

MARTIN (~St~) OF BULLION"S DAY, _s._ The fourth day of July O. S., whence our peasantry form their prognostications concerning the weather; believing, that if this day be dry, there will be no rain for six weeks, but if it be wet, there will be rain every day for the same length of time, S.

_Festum Sti Martini Bullientis_, vulgo St. Martin _Bouillant_. Du Cange.

MARTIN. ~Martynis (Saint) Fowle~, apparently the ring-tail, a kind of kite.

Fr. _oiseau de S. Martin_.


_To_ MARTYR, _v. a._

1. To hew down.


2. To bruise severely, S.


3. To bespatter with dirt, Ang.

Fr. _martyr-er_, to put to extreme pain.

MARTRIK, MERTRIK, _s._ A marten.

Fr. _martre_, Belg. _marter_, id.


MASE, _s._ A kind of net with wide meshes, of twisted straw ropes, laid on the back of a horse, Orkn.

Dan. _mask_, a mesh.

MASER, MAZER, _s._ Maple.

V. ~Mazer~.



1. Mixed grain, S. _mashlum_, Aberd.

_Stat. Gild._

Teut. _masteluyn_, farrago.

2. The broken parts of moss; a moss of this description, S. B.

_To_ MASK, _v. a._ To catch in a net, Ayrs.

Su. G. _maska_, Dan. _mask_, macula retis.

_To_ MASK, _v. a._ To infuse, S.

Su. G. _mask_, a mash.

_Chalm. Air._

~Masking-fat~, _s._ A mashing-vat, S.

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