_To_ MELVIE, _v. a._ To soil with meal, S.


Isl. _moelv-a_, comminuere; _miolveg-r matr_, fruges.

~Melvie~, _adj._ Soiled with meal, S. B.

_Gl. Shirr._


L. _marlionis_, merlins.


_To_ MEMER, _v. n._ To recollect one"s self.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _mymer-ian_, reminisci.

MEMERKYN, MYNMERKIN, _s._ A contemptuous term, expressive of smallness of size.


MEMMIT, _part. pa._ Allied.

_Bannatyne P._

Teut. _moeme_, _memme_, matertera, neptis.

MENARE, _s._ A mediatrix, q. _moyaner_, q. v.


MENDS, _s._

1. Atonement.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

2. Amelioration of conduct.


3. Addition.

_To the mends_, over and above, S.


O. E. _amends_, compensation; Fr. _amende_, in pl.

_To_ MENE, MEYNE, MEANE, _v. a._

1. To bemoan, S.


2. To _mean one"s self_, to make known one"s grievance.

_Ja. VI._

3. _No to mein_, not an object of sympathy, S.


4. To indicate pain or lameness.

_Gl. Sibb._

_To_ ~Mene~, ~Meane~, _v. n._

1. To make lamentation, S.

_Minstr. Bord._

2. To utter moans, S.

A. S. _maen-an_, dolere, ingemiscere.

_To_ MENE, MEAN, MEEN, _v. a._

1. To intend, S.


A. S. _maen-an_, Germ. _mein-en_, intendere.

2. To esteem, to prize.

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