
Gael. _meanan_, id.; _meanbh_, little.


1. Dignity of conduct.

2. Honour.


3. Discretion, S.


Isl. _menska_, humanitas; A. S. _mennisc_, huma.n.u.s.

~Menske~, _adj._ Humane.

_Sir Tristrem._

_To_ ~Mensk~, ~Mense~, _one_, _v. a._

1. To treat respectfully.

_Gawan and Gol._

2. To do honour to.


~Menskit~, _part. pa._ Honourably treated.

_Gawan and Gol._

~Menskful~, ~Menseful~, _adj._

1. Manly.

_Gawan and Gol._

2. n.o.ble.

_Gawan and Gol._

3. Moderate, discreet, S.


4. Mannerly, respectful, S.


~Menskles~, ~Mensless~, _adj._

1. Void of discretion, S.


2. Greedy, insatiable, S.

_Poems Buchan Dial._

3. Immoderate, S.


~Menskly~, _adv._ Decently.


A. S. _mennislice_, humaniter.

MENSWORN, _part. pa._

V. ~Mansweir~.

_To_ MER, _v. a._ To put into confusion.

Isl. _mer-ia_, contundere.


MERCAL, _s._ A piece of wood used in the construction of the Shetland plough.

_Statist. Acc._

MERCH, MERGH, (gutt.) _s._

1. Marrow.


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