2. Prim, demure.


3. Affecting great moderation in eating or drinking, S.


This seems originally the same with E. _mum_, used as an adj., mute.

MIN, MYN, _adj._ Less.


Su. G. _minne_, Alem. _min_, id.

_To_ MIND, _v. n._

1. To remember, S.


A. S. _ge-mynd-gan_, Dan. _mind-er_, meminisse.

2. To design, to intend, S.


_To_ ~Mind~, _v. a._ To recollect, S.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

~Mind~, _s._ Recollection, S.

_To keep mind_, S. to keep in mind, E.


A. S. _ge-mynd_, Dan. _minde_, memoria.

~Myndles~, _adj._

1. Forgetful.


2. Causing forgetfulness.


3. Acting like one in a delirium.


_To_ MYNDE, _v. a._ To undermine.


_To_ MYNG, MYNGE, _v. a._ To mix.


A. S. _meng-an_, Su. G. _meng-a_, id.

_To_ MINNE, _v. a._ To contribute.

_Sir Tristrem._

Isl. _mynd-a_, procurare; _mund_, dos.

MINNIE, MINNY, _s._ Mother; a fondling term, S.


Belg. _minnie_, a nurse; _minne_, love, _minn-en_, to love; Isl.

_manna_, matercula.

~Minnie"s Mouthes~, _s._ Those who must be wheedled into any measure by kindness; q. by a mother"s fondling.


_To_ MYNNIS, _v. n._ To grow less.


Su. G. _minsk-a_, id. from _min_, less.

_To_ MINT, MYNT, _v. n._

1. To aim, to take aim.

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