
A. S. Belg. _nebbe_, rostrum.

3. Applied to the snout.


4. Any sharp point, S.

NECE, _s._ Grand-daughter.

V. ~Neipce~.

NECKIT, _s._ A tippet for a child, S. B.

NECK-VERSE, _s._ The beginning of the 51st psalm, _Miserere mei_. &c.

_Lay Last Minstr._

NEDMIST, _adj._ Undermost, S.

A. S. _neothemest_, id.

NEDWAYIS, _adv._ Of necessity.

A. S. _neadwise_, necessary.


NEEDLE-FISH, _s._ The shorter pipe-fish.


NEEF, _s._ Difficulty.

_P. Buch. Dial._

A. S. _naefde_, want.

NEERDOWEIL, _s._ One whose conduct gives reason to think that he will _never do well_, S.


_To_ NEESE, _v. n._ To sneese, S.

A. S. _nies-an_, Belg. _niez-en_, id.

_To_ NEESHIN, _v. n._ To desire the male, S. B.

V. ~Ea.s.sin~.

NEFFIT, _s._ A pigmy, S. p.r.o.n. _nyeffit_.

Belg. _nufje_, a chit; or from _neive_.

_To_ NEYCH, NICH, NYGH, NYCHT, (gutt.) _v. a._ To approach.

_Chr. Kirk._

Moes. G. _nequh-jan_, A. S. _nehw-an_, id.

NEIDE, _s._ Necessity.



1. Fire produced by the friction of two pieces of wood, S.

_Gl. Complaynt._

A. S. _nyd_, force, and _fyr_, fire; q. forced fire.

2. Spontaneous ignition, S.


3. The phosphoric light of rotten wood, S. A.

_Gl. Complaynt._

4. A beacon, S. A.

_Lay Last Minstr._

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