1. Attendance, S.


2. Patient expectation of what is delayed.


_To_ ONTRAY, _v. a._ To betray.

_Sir Gawan._

_On_ and Fr. _trah-ir_, to betray.

ONWALOWYD, _part. pa._ Unfaded.


OO, _s._ Wool, S.

_Aw ae oo_, S. all to the same purpose.

OON, UNE, _s._ An oven, S.


Moes. G. _auhn_, S. G. _ugn_, id.

OON EGG, _s._ An addle egg, S. O.

Sw. _wind-egg_, id.

_Mary Stewart._

_To_ OOP, OUP, WUP, _v. a._ To bind with a thread or cord, S.

_Gl. Sibb._

Moes. G. _waib-jan_, Su. G. _wef-wa_, to surround.


1. Chill, bleak, S.

2. Having the sensation of cold, S. _Ourlach_, id. Buchan.


3. Having the hair on end, S. A.

_Gl. Sibb._

Isl. _ur_ rain, Su. G. stormy weather.

~Ooriness~, _s._ Tendency to shivering, S.

OPINIOUN, _s._ Party, faction.


L. B. _opinio_, id.

_To_ OPPONE, _v. a._ To oppose, Lat. _oppon-ere_.


_To_ OPTENE, _v. a._ To obtain.


OR, _adv._

1. Before, ere, S.


_Or thys_, before this time.


_Or than_, before that time.


2. Rather than, S.


The same with _ar_, before.

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