PAAL, _s._ A post, S. B.

A. S. _pal_, Su. G. _paale_.

PAB, _s._ The refuse of flax, Loth. _pob_, S. B.

_Ess. Highl. Soc._

PACE, _s._

1. The weight of a clock, S.

2. Used metaphorically.


PACK, _adj._ Intimate, S.


Su. G. _pack-a_, constringere.

PACKALD, _s._ A pack.


Belg. _pakkaadie_, luggage.

PACKHOUSE, _s._ A warehouse for receiving goods, S.

Teut. _packhuys_, id.

PACKMAN, _s._ A pedlar, one who carries his _pack_, S.

PACT, _s. To spend the pact_, to waste one"s substance; _to perish the pact_, S.

_Maitland Poems._

PADDLE, _s._ The Lump fish, Orkn.


1. The down that covers unfledged birds, S.

2. The down on the heads of children born without hair, S.

Teut. _padden-hayr_, lanugo.

PADDOCK-PIPES, _s. pl._ Marsh horse-tail, S.


PADDOCK-RUDE, _s._ The sp.a.w.n of frogs, S. also _paddock-ride_.


PADDOCK-STOOL, _s._ The Agaricus in general; especially the varieties of the Agaricus fimetarius, S.

Teut. _padden-stoel_, fungus.

PADE, _s._

1. A toad.

_Sir Gawan._

2. Apparently a frog.


A. S. _pade_, Germ. Belg. _padde_, id.

PADELL, _s._ Expl. "a small leathern bag."

_Bannatyne Poems._

Teut. _buydel_, bulga.

PADYANE, PADGEAN, _s._ A pageant.


PAFFLE, _s._ A small possession in land, Perths.

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