_Maitland P._

Fr. _prou_, id.

PROWAN, _s._ Provender.


Fr. _provende_, id.

PROWDE, _adj._ Magnificent.


Su. G. _prud_, id.

PROWDE, _s._ Fair, beautiful woman.

_Maitland P._

Su. G. _prud_, ornatus; Isl. _frid_, pulcher.

_To_ PRUNYIE, _v. a._ To trim.

V. ~Proyne~.

PTARMIGAN, _s._ The white game, S.

Gael. _tarmoch-an_.


PUBLIC-HOUSE, _s._ An inn, a tavern, S.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

PUCK HARY, _s._ A certain sprite or hobgoblin, S.


Isl. Su. G. _puke_, daemon, spectrum.

PUD. _Inkpud_, _s._ An inkholder, Loth.

Teut. _enck pot_, atramentarium; or _puyd_, suggestus, q. what supports.

PUD, _s._ A fondling designation for a child.

Isl. _ped_, homuncio, puer.

PUDDIE, PUDDY, _s._ A kind of cloth.

Teut. _poote_, pellis cervaria.


PUDDILL, _s._ A pedlar"s pack or wallet.

_Gl. Sibb._

Teut. _buydel_, Fris. _puyl_, sacculus.

PUDDINGFILLAR, _s._ A glutton.


_To_ PUDDLE, PUDLE, _v. n._

1. To work diligently in a mean way, S. from E. _puddle_, a mire.

_Statist. Acc._

2. Applied to laborious and frivolous engagement in the Popish ceremonies.

_R. Bruce._

PUDGE, _s._ A small house, a hut, Perths.

Isl. _bud_, Teut. _boede_, casa; O. Teut. _poest_, an ox-stall.

_To_ PUG, _v. a._ To pull, Perths.

PUIR, _adj._ Poor.

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