QUHA-SAY, _s._ A sham, a pretence.

_Leg. St Androis._

Corr. perh. from Lat. _quasi_, as if.

QUHATKYN, QUHATEN. What kind of; S. _whattin_.

V. ~Kin~.


QUHATSUMEUIR, _adj._ Whatsoever.


_To_ QUHAUK, _v. a._ To beat, S. E.

QUHAUP, _s._ A curlew.

V. ~Quhaip~.

QUHAUP, WHAAP. _There"s a whaap in the raip_, S. Prov. There is something wrong.


QUHAUP, _s._ A pod in the earliest state, S.

_To_ ~Whaup~, or to be ~Whauped~, _v. n._ To a.s.sume the form of pods, S.


_To_ ~Quhaup~, _v. a._ To sh.e.l.l peas, S. B.

_To_ QUHAWCH, _v. n._

V. ~Quaik~.

QUHAWE, _s._ A marsh, a quagmire.

C. B. _chwi_, a whirl; _chwiawg_, full of whirls.




~Quhene~, S. _wheen_, _s._ A small quant.i.ty.

A. S. _hwaene_, _hwene_, aliquantum, paulo.

_To_ QUHEMLE, WHOMMEL, _v. a._ To turn upside down, S. _whummil_.


Su. G. _hwiml-a_, vertigine laborare.

QUHETHIR, THE QUHETHYR, _conj._ However.


A. S. _hwaethere_, tamen, attamen.

_To_ QUHETHIR, _v. n._

V. ~Quiddir~.

_To_ QUHEW, _v. n._ To whiz, to whistle.

C. B. _chwaw-iaw_, to blow.


~Quhew~, _s._

1. The sound produced by the motion of any body through the air with velocity; S. B. _few._


2. A disease which proved extremely fatal in Scotland, A. 1420; occasioned, as would appear from the description, by the unnatural temperature of the weather.


C. B. _chwa_, _chwaw_, a blast, a gust.

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