QUHILLY BILLY, the noise made in violent coughing or reaching.

V. ~Hillie-billow~.



1. Some time ago.


2. At times.

V. ~Umquhile~.


3. Distributively; now, then.


A. S. _hwilom_, _hwilum_, aliquando.

QUHYN, QUHIN-STANE, _s._ Green-stone; the name given to basalt, trap, &c. S.


Isl. _hwijn-a_, resonare; _hwin_, resonans; q. "the resounding stone."

_To_ QUHYNGE, _v. n._ To whine, S. wheenge.


Su. G. _weng-a_; plorare.

_To_ QUHIP, WIPP, _v. a._ To bind about, S.

Moes. G. _waib-jan_, to surround; Isl. _wef_, circ.u.mvolvo.

~Quhippis~, _s. pl._ Crowns.

_Gl. Sibb._

Moes. G. _waips_, corona.

_To_ QUHIRR, _v. n._ To emit such a sound as that of a partridge or moorfowl, when it takes flight, S. _whurr_.

E. _whirring_ is used as an _adj_. Su. G. _hurr-a_, murmurare, c.u.m impetu circ.u.magi.

~Quhirr~, _s._ The sound of an object moving, as above expressed, S.


_To_ QUHISSEL, WISSIL, _v. a._

1. To exchange.


2. To change; used as to money, S. B.

_Acts Ja. V._

Belg. _wissel-en_, Germ. _wechsel-n_, Su. G. _waexl-a_, id.

~Quhissel~, ~Whissle~, ~Wissel~, _s._ Change given for money, S. B.


Belg. _wissel_, Germ. _wesch.e.l.l_, id.

~Quhysselar~, _s._

1. A changer of money.

2. A person employed privately to raise the price of goods sold by auction.

Teut. _wisseler_, id.

_Gl. Sibb._

_To_ QUHYTE, WHEAT, _v. a._ To cut with a knife; usually applied to wood, S.

A. S. _thwit-an_, _thweot-an_, id.

QUHYTE, _adj._ Hypocritical, dissembling.


_White_ used metaph. like _fair_, specious.

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