_Act Sed._

Fr. _quote_, L. B. _quota_, portion.


RA, RAA, RAE, _s._ A roe.

_Acts Ja. I._

Isl. _ra_, Su. G. Dan. _raa_, id.

RA, RAY, _s._ The sail-yard.

Isl. _raa_, Su. G. _segelraa_, id.

~Rabandis~, ~Raibandis~, _s. pl._ The small lines which fasten the sail to the yard.

Su. G. _refband_, robbins.


RABBLE, _s._ A rhapsody, S.


Teut. _rabbel-en_, garrire, nugari.

_To_ ~Rabble~, ~Raible~, _v. n._ To rattle nonsense.

_Gl. Shirr._

RABIL, _s._ A disorderly train.



V. ~Rebute~.

RACE, _pret. v._ Dashed.

V. ~Rasch~.


RACE, _s._

1. A current.

V. ~Raiss~.

2. The current which turns a mill, S. B.

_Law Case._

3. The train of historical narration.

_R. Bruce._

RACE, _s._ Course at sea.


Su. G. _resa_, id. Belg. _reys_, a voyage.

RACHE, (hard), _s._ A dog that discovers and pursues his prey by the scent.


Isl. _racke_, canis sagax, L. B. _racha_; Norm. _racche_, id.

RACHE, Houlate.

V. ~Raith~.

RACHLIE, (gutt.) _adj._ Dirty and disorderly, S. B.

Isl. _hrakleg-r_, incomtus, male habitus.

RACHLIN, _adj._

1. Unsettled, hare-brained, S. B.

2. Noisy, clamorous, S. B.

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