
_To_ RENYE, _v. a._ To rein.

_Complaynt S._

~Renye~, _s._ A rein; Fr. _resne_.


RENYIT, _part. pa._ Forsworn.


Fr. _renie_, id.


1. A course, a race; also _reik_, Gl. Shirr.


2. The act of running.


3. The course of a river.


4. Station allotted to each party at the commencement of a tournament.


5. A distinct encounter in a tournament.


6. The course in the diversion of curling, S. A.

A. S. _hrincg_, a ring.


RENK, _s._ A strong man.

V. ~Rink~.

_Gawan and Gol._

RENOMMe, _s._ Renown, Fr.


RENTAL, _s._ A favourable lease, S.


REPAIR, _s._ Concourse, S.

_Priests Peb._

_To_ REPAYRE, _v. n._ To return; O. Fr. _repair-er_.


_To_ REPARELL, _v. a._ To refit; Fr. _repareill-er_.


_To_ REPATER, _v. n._ To feed; Fr. _repaitre_.


REPENDE, _part. adj._ Dispersed; Fr. _repand-u_.


_To_ REPLEDGE, REPLEGE, _v. a._ To replevin; a forensic term.


L. B. _repleg-iare_, to redeem on _pledge_.

_To_ REPLEID, _v. a._ To resist.

_Priests Peblis._

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