To ~Ride at the ring~, to strive, at full gallop, to carry off, on the point of a rod, a ring suspended on a cross-beam resting on two upright posts, S.

Su. G. _rida till rings_, hastiludium exercere.

RING DANCIS, circular dances, in which the parties frequently join hands, S.


Teut. _ringh-dans_, orbis saltatorius.

RING-SANGIS, tunes adapted to _ring dances_.


RINGALD, _s._ Crowd.

V. ~Rangald~.

RINGE, _s._ A whisk made of heath, S. corr. from E. _rinse_.

~Ringe-heather~, _s._ Cross-leaved heath, S. B.


V. ~Quoy~.

RINGLE-EE"D, RYNGIT, _adj._ Having a great proportion of white in the eye, S.


From _ring_; or Teut. _ringel-en_, annulo circ.u.mdare.

RINK, RYNK, _s._ A strong man.

_Chr. Kirk._

A. S. _rinc_, vir strenuus, miles.

RINK, _s._ A course.

V. ~Renk~.

To ~Rink~, _v. n._ To scamper about, S. B.

V. ~Renk~.


~Rinker~, ~Rinketer~, _s._ A tall, thin, long-legged horse, S.; q.


~Rinkroume~, _s._ Place of tournay.


RINO, _s._ Ready money, S. B.


RINS, RINNES, RHYNS, _s. pl._ A tract of country on the coast of Galloway, which runs out into the sea.

_Stat. Acc._

Gael. _rinn_, a point, C. B. _rhyn_, id. a cape.

RIOLYSE, _s. pl._ n.o.bles; q. Lat. _regales_.

_Gawan and Gol._

RIOT, _s._ Noise.


O. Fr. _riot_, _riote_, bruit, tapage.

_To_ RYOT, _v. a._ To ravage.


Isl. _riod-a_, Teut. _ruyt-en_, vastare.

RYOT, _s._ Contest.


O. Fr. _riote_, combat.

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