A. S. _sare_, graviter.


2. In a great degree, S.


Germ, _sehr_, Belg. _seer_, valde.

~Sair Head~, a headach, S.

_A. Nicol._

~Sairly~, _adv._ Sorely.


_To_ SAIR, _v. a._

1. To serve, S.


2. To fit, to be large enough, S.

3. To satisfy; as, with food, S.


~Sairing~, _s._ What satisfies one, S.


SAIRLES, SARELESS, _adj._ Tasteless, S. B.

V. ~Sawr~.


SAIT, _s._ The Court of Session in S.


SAK, SACK, _s._ The privilege of a baron to prosecute, try and judge his va.s.sals in his own court.

_Reg. Maj._

A. S. _sac_, actio, causa forensis.

SAKE, _s._ Blame, guilt.

_Sir Tristrem._

Su. G. _sak_, guilt, crime.


1. A palace.


2. A hall, a chamber.

_Gawan and Gol._

A. S. Su. G. _sal_, aula, palatium.

SALEBROSITY, _s._ A rough place.


SALIKE, SAELIKE, _adj._ Similar, of the same kind, S. B.

Moes. G. _swaleiks_, Isl. _slyke_, talis.

SALER, _s._ A salt-cellar.

_Sir Gawan._

SALERIFE, _adj._ Saleable, S.

SALERYFE, _adj._ Abounding with sails or ships.


SALL, L. _stal_, stole.

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