
_To_ SAWER, SAWR, SAUR, SARE, _v. n._ To savour.


~Sawr~, _s._ Savour.

_K. Hart._

SAWSLY, _adv._ In pickle.


SAWT, _s._ a.s.sault.

V. ~Salt~.

SAWTH, _p. v._ Saveth.


SAX, _adj._ Six, S.


Moes. G. _saihs_, id.

~Saxt~, _adj._ Sixth.

_N. Burne._

~Saxte~, _adj._ Sixty, S.


Moes. G, _saihstis_, id.

* SCAB, _s._ A gross offence.

_Z. Boyd._

SCAD, _s._ Any colour seen by reflection; or the reflection itself, S.


A. S. _scade_, umbra.

SCADLIPS, _s._ Thin broth, S. B.; hence more apt to _scald_ the _lips_.



1. Food of any kind, S.


Su. G. _skap_, provision.

2. Expl. merriment, S. A.

_Gl. Sibb._

~Scaffar~, _s._ A parasite.


Su. G. _skaffare_, one who provides food.

~Scafferie~, _s_.

V. ~Skafrie~.

SCAIL, _s._ A sort of tub.

V. ~Skeel~.

_Sir Egeir._

SCALDRICKS, _s. pl._ Wild mustard, Loth.

V. ~Skelloch~.

_Stat. Acc._

_To_ SCALE, _v. a._

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