_Sir Gawan._

Alem. _scaz_, a penny; treasure.

_To_ SCASHLE, _v. a._ To use any piece of dress carelessly, S. B.

Isl. _skuasl_, quisquiliae.

SCATT, _s._ The name of a tax paid in Shetland.

_Statist. Acc._

Su. G. Isl. _skatt_, A. S. _sceat_, a tax, E. _shot_, _Scot and lot_.

SCAUD-MAN"S-HEAD, _s._ Sea urchin, S.

SCAUR, _s._

V. ~Scar~.

SCAURIE, SCOREY, _s._ The young of the herring-gull, Orkney.


Sw. _skiura_, Norw. _skiure_, id.

SCAWP, _s._

V. ~Scalp~.

SCELLERAR, _s._ One who has the charge of the _cellar_.


L. B. _cellerar-ius_, id.

SCHACHT, _s._ Property.


Fland. _schacht lands_, a rood of land.

SCHAFTMON, SHAFTMON, SCHATHMONT, _s._ A measure of six inches in length.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _scaeft-mund_, half a foot.

SCHAGHES, _s. pl._ Groves.

V. ~Schaw~.


1. A bunch of arrows, twenty-four in number.

Alem. _scaph_, a quiver.

_Stat. Rob. I._

2. A certain quant.i.ty of iron or steel.


SCHAIK, TO-SCHAIK, _pret._ Shook.



1. Thin plates of gold, silver, &c. hanging down.


Teut. _schaeckier-en_, alternare.

2. Moisture distilling from flowers.


SCHAKER-STANE, _s._ The stone-chatter, S. _stane-chacker_.


SCHALD, _adj._ Shallow; _shaul_, S.

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